










河津桜 満開のもと

ふたりの影 重なり合う

愛の誓い はなに託して

永遠の絆 そっと紡ぐ


青空のもと 歩くこいじ

花びらが やさしく舞う

別れの涙 風に消えて

再会の約束 心に刻む


遥かなる道 たどりつくまで

心はひとつ 絆は変わらず

桜の下で 誓った約束

愛しき人よ いつまでも


河津桜 歌う愛を

恋路の果てに 待つひとへと

桜の花が 祈りを捧げる

愛は永遠 時を超えて


続くたびじ 刻々と流れ

風に乗せて 想いはさまよう

河津桜が 優しくささやく

ふたりの愛 永久に続く


季節は巡り はなも散り

時の流れ 刻み続ける

だけど心 ふたりを結ぶ

河津桜 永久のあかし


この歌詞をSUNO AIに入れて楽曲を作成しました。




Vrew に挿入して、字幕を調整して、ビデオ編集をして作成したものを



In late February, it was already the season for Kawazu cherry blossoms to bloom in many places.


There is also material that used to shoot a video of Kawazu Sakura.


I created a song called "Kawazu Sakura's Oath".

The lyrics were created using Microsoft's Copilot.


Prompt: Create beautiful lyrics based on the following episode: Koiji is a place where lovers who are sad to say goodbye to their loved ones pass through this road when they part, and vow to reunite with each other. The beautiful cherry blossom trees of Kawazu Sakura serve as the backdrop, and the scenes of farewells and reunions have unfolded under these beautiful cherry blossoms.




Kawazu cherry blossoms in full bloom


Two Shadows Overlap


A vow of love, what do you entrust


Eternal bonds, gently spun




Walking under the blue sky


Petals flutter gently


Tears of parting, faded into the wind


The promise of reunion




A long way to go, until we get there


One heart, one bond


Under the cherry blossoms, a sworn promise


Beloved, forever




Sakura Kawazu Singing Love


At the end of the road of love, to the person who waits


Cherry blossoms offer prayers


Love is eternal, timeless




Every time it continues, it flows every moment


Riding on the wind, thoughts wander


Sakura Kawazu whispers softly


The love of two people will last forever




The seasons come and go, and the seasons come and go.


The passage of time keeps ticking


But the heart unites the two


Kawazu Sakura Eternal Testimony




I put these lyrics into SUNO AI to create the song.


In addition, using Mage, create illustrations.


Create a 6-second video from the illustration with video generation AI: Kaiber AI.


Previously, I was shooting a video of Kawazu Sakura


Insert it into the VREW, adjust the subtitles, and edit the video to create the