毎日、楽曲作成AIのSUNO AIで、楽曲作成にはまっています。



SUNO AIを使って作成した「「勇者の誓い」を紹介します。







荒れ果てた大地に 風が吹いて

暗闇の中に 心が迷い込む

荒れ果てた道も 共に歩む

災いの中で 光を見つけて


傷ついた心も 勇気で埋めよう

悲しみの中にも 愛が芽生え

闘いの中で 進む道が見えなくても

共に歩んでく 勇者の誓い


嵐が去りゆく 空に誓いを

心に秘めて 希望の花が咲く

星たちの歌が 闇を照らして

立ち上がろう 光のきざし


困難を越えて 新たな旅へ

涙の数だけ 愛を知る

手を取り合って 未来をきずこう

星空に誓おう 勇者の誓い




English Translation:

Every day, I find myself immersed in music creation using the SUNO AI, a music creation artificial intelligence.

I created a support song with the hope of reconstruction for those affected by disasters. I would like to introduce the song "Oath of the Hero," created using SUNO AI.

"Oath of the Hero" | Suno Trance, HIP HOP, J-pop, female vocals song. Listen and create your own with Suno. [Link to app.suno.ai]

I requested ChatGPT to create lyrics for the world's most encouraging song for those affected by disasters, and I overlaid them with the following lyrics:

"Oath of the Hero"

In the desolate land, the wind blows In the darkness, the heart wanders Even on the desolate path, we walk together In the midst of calamity, finding light

Let's fill the wounded heart with courage Even in sorrow, love will sprout Even in the midst of the battle, when the path ahead is unclear Walking together, the oath of the hero

As the storm departs, make a vow to the sky Hold hope in your heart, and the flower of hope will bloom The songs of the stars illuminate the darkness Rise up, the glimmer of light

Beyond difficulties, onto a new journey Know love as many as the tears shed Hold hands, let's carve out the future Let's vow to the starry sky, the oath of the hero

Creating a support song for those who have experienced disaster is indeed challenging.