




  1. 乳腺のMRI検査はうつ伏せの状態で寝て行い約30分かかります。造影剤を使うと早期乳がんの検出率は92%と、マンモグラフィの56%を大きく上回っています。 
  2. 一般の方の「乳がん検診」には推奨されていません。
  3. マンモグラフィのように痛みを伴うことがありません。
English Translation by Bard:

For breast cancer screening, methods include palpation, mammography, and ultrasound of the breast. Recently, the most notable examination for breast tumors is the MRI exam. Its use is attributed to the high detection rate of early breast cancer and the absence of associated pain. Particularly, if there is uncertainty in determining benign or malignant status after palpation, mammography, and ultrasound examinations, an MRI exam is conducted.

A breast MRI exam is conducted with the individual lying face down and takes approximately 30 minutes. When a contrast agent is used, the detection rate for early breast cancer is significantly higher at 92%, surpassing mammography's 56%. It is not recommended for routine "breast cancer screenings" for the general public. Unlike mammography, it is not associated with pain.


If you have the opportunity to undergo a breast MRI exam, there is nothing to fear, so please feel reassured and proceed with the examination.