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Breast-conserving surgery is typically performed in stages I to II of the disease, involving the removal of the cancer and its surrounding tissues while preserving the breast.

Within this method, there are two techniques: breast quadrantectomy, which entails the fan-shaped excision of approximately one-fourth of the breast, including the area with the lump, and breast circular segmental resection, which involves circular excision around the tumor.

Both procedures involve postoperative radiation therapy to the preserved breast to prevent recurrence.

The combined treatment of breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy is referred to as breast-conserving therapy. Early detection and prompt treatment are crucial.

In breast-conserving therapy, a margin of safety is maintained when excising the tumor area; however, it is still uncertain whether the cancer has been completely removed at the time of surgery. Data suggests that relying solely on surgery results in approximately a 40% chance of local recurrence.

Applying radiation to the remaining breast can eliminate microscopic cancer cells. It is noted that radiation therapy reduces the local recurrence rate to one-fourth of the rate without it.

Therefore, breast-conserving therapy is generally considered a treatment approach that includes radiation therapy as an integral part.