



t_2021_BPSD+Q_210828.pdf (dcnet.gr.jp)



質問票は、認知症の行動・心理症状(BPSD)を数値化して施設内で共有し、その対応策 をたて、さらに対応前後での評価結果を比較することにより対応の効果を検証することを目的 としています。また、主治医意見書の「周辺症状」の項目を盛り込んでいますので、主治医意 見書作成の際、介護現場からの情報提供にも役立てていただくことを目的としています。









2)分母の対して合計点が(  )点であるかによって、各項目の重みが%で把握できます。合計点で各カテゴリーの重みを判断し全体把握し、







Here is the English translation of the Japanese text:(注:Bardによる英訳)

Title: BPSD Assessment Scales for Dementia


Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are a major burden for caregivers. It is important to objectively assess and address these symptoms.

BPSD Assessment Scales in Japan

The most commonly used BPSD assessment scale in Japan is the BPSD25Q, which was developed by the Tokyo Center for Dementia Care Research and Training. The BPSD25Q is freely available for public use.

Purpose of the BPSD25Q

The BPSD25Q is designed to:

  • Quantify BPSD in order to share and compare assessments within facilities, develop intervention plans, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
  • Provide information to physicians for the "peripheral symptoms" section of medical certificates.

How to Complete the BPSD25Q

The BPSD25Q is completed by a caregiver or other person who is familiar with the person with dementia. The caregiver rates the severity and burden of each BPSD symptom on a scale of 0 to 5.

How to Score the BPSD25Q

  1. First, calculate the total score for each category: overactivity (13 items), hypoactivity (6 items), activities of daily living (6 items), and delirium (2 items).
  2. The percentage of each item is calculated by dividing the item score by the total score for the category.
  3. The category scores are used to assess the overall severity of BPSD and the individual symptoms that are most problematic.


The BPSD25Q is a valuable tool for objectively assessing BPSD in people with dementia. It can be used to diagnose BPSD, select appropriate treatment, and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.


If you have a family member with dementia, I encourage you to use the BPSD25Q to assess their symptoms. The BPSD25Q can be especially helpful for assessing the effectiveness of medication therapy and tracking the progression of dementia.

Additional Information:

The BPSD25Q questionnaire is available for free download from the website of the Dementia Care Research and Training Center in Tokyo.