

















English translation: (Bingによる英語訳です;間違いに注意してください)

Continuation of previous blog. Meniere's disease is an inner ear disease that causes recurrent episodes of rotational vertigo accompanied by hearing loss, tinnitus, and ear fullness.

The cause is thought to be endolymphatic hydrops, and treatment is divided into two phases: the acute phase and the intermittent phase.

In the acute phase, 7% sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3: Mayron) intravenous injection, anti-vertigo drugs, steroids, anti-anxiety drugs, and antiemetics are used.

In cases with hearing loss, corticosteroids are used.

On the other hand, in the intermittent phase, there are conservative treatment and surgical or vestibular function-destructive treatment, and middle ear pressure treatment (approved for insurance coverage in 2019) is a new, minimally invasive treatment that is between conservative treatment and surgical or vestibular function-destructive treatment.

Conservative treatment (drug therapy)

Isosorbide preparations: Isobay® (syrup) and Menilet® jelly are representative isosorbide preparations. They have the effect of moving water from the inner ear to urine, which can improve dizziness and tinnitus.

Betahistine mesilate: Melisron® is a drug that is effective for dizziness. It is also known as an anti-vertigo drug and improves blood flow to the inner ear and brain. Side effects may include digestive symptoms such as nausea.

Diphenidol hydrochloride: Cefadore® is a drug that is effective for dizziness and tinnitus.

It has the effect of improving blood flow to the vestibular nerve and suppressing abnormal signals in the brain and nerves.

People with pre-existing conditions such as dry mouth, loss of appetite, glaucoma, or prostate hypertrophy should be careful, as the side effects of diphenidol hydrochloride may worsen.

ATP preparations: Adehos-Kowa granules, Adehos, and Trinosin® are drugs that improve dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Many people also take this drug for a long time as a preventive medicine for tinnitus and dizziness.

Steroid drugs: Prednisone® and Prednisolone are mainly used to suppress inflammation in the inner ear and nerves. The drug amount is gradually reduced (tapering) from the initial use amount for 1 to 2 weeks to suppress side effects such as increased susceptibility to infection, hyperglycemia, thinning of the skin, fractures, peptic ulcers, and high blood pressure.

Nicotinic acid and papaverine hydrochloride: Stomin A® combined tablets improve the function of cells in the inner ear of Meniere's disease and blood flow to the inner ear.

Anti-anxiety drugs: Constanza®, Solanex®, and Melax® may also be used.

Antiemetics: Domperidone (Nauselin®) and metoclopramide (Primperan®) are used for nausea.

I will talk about Chinese herbal medicine in a separate blog.