掃除をするなら六月が良い理由(自己暗示用:A4用紙3枚分) |  My Place

 My Place



Hello. How are you feeling today? Time flies, and already half a year has passed this year. Looking at the calendar hanging on the wall, it is June 10th in the solar calendar and May 5th in the lunar calendar. The most typical Japanese name for June is "Minazuki", but surprisingly, there are 11 other names for it that I won't mention here.

 西洋には、六月に結婚する花嫁は幸せになれるという言い伝えがあります。「ジューンブライド(June bride)」です。海外ではハワイやヨーロッパを始め乾季に入っている国が多く、心地よい気候で結婚式が行える季節です。六月と言えば日本では梅雨の季節にあたりますが、暑くもなく寒くもないということで、比較的に過ごしやすい時期と言えるのではないでしょうか。



In the West, there is a saying that brides who get married in June will be happy. It's called a "June bride". Many countries overseas, including Hawaii and Europe, are in the dry season, and it is a season when weddings can be held in comfortable weather. Speaking of June, it is the rainy season in Japan, but it is neither hot nor cold, so it is a relatively comfortable time to spend the month. When the rainy season begins and it rains continuously, the negative ions brought by the rain relax us and make us sleepy, and we don't want to go out, so we end up spending more time at home. However, even though we tend to stay indoors, it is also true that there is a housework that can be done to the greatest effect in this comfortable climate, which is neither too hot nor too cold. That is cleaning.




In the cold winter, you may hesitate to even open the window. Even if you replace the water in a bucket with hot water, it will quickly become ice cold after a few minutes. You would never want to clean windows or wipe floors using water. Also, even if you run the air purifier at full speed, vacuum, and dust, cleaning in a closed room to prevent the north wind will only spread mold spores and mites and circulate them inside the room, which is not good for your health. So we may think: I'll clean when it gets warmer in the spring. I'll sort out unnecessary things, declutter like the trendy minimalists, and spend my time comfortably in a spacious room. However, spring is a busy season. A new life begins, there are cherry blossom viewings, and the weather is perfect for outings, so there is no way I'll feel like cleaning at home. In any case, there are just too many temptations.




In the cold winter, you may hesitate to even open the window. Even if you replace the water in a bucket with hot water, it will quickly become ice cold after a few minutes. You would never want to clean windows or wipe floors using water. Also, even if you run the air purifier at full speed, vacuum, and dust, cleaning in a closed room to prevent the north wind will only spread mold spores and mites and circulate them inside the room, which is not good for your health. So we may think: I'll clean when it gets warmer in the spring. I'll sort out unnecessary things, declutter like the trendy minimalists, and spend my time comfortably in a spacious room. However, spring is a busy season. A new life begins, there are cherry blossom viewings, and the weather is perfect for outings, so there is no way I'll feel like cleaning at home. In any case, there are just too many temptations. Just as not many people plan to clean during Golden Week, the long holiday in May, we don't see many people enthusiastic about cleaning during the next long holiday, the Obon holiday. Instead, we just think, "It's so hot, if I clean I'll surely get heatstroke." In July, there will be many days when the temperature will be as hot as a scorching hot summer, going beyond "early summer." And that's not all. In July and August, children's summer vacation will begin, and there will likely be many times when you end up wasting an entire day looking after them. In this way, as if in inverse proportion to the rise in temperature, the "cleaning ability" of us housewives will gradually decline.




Now let's take a closer look at why "June is the best month to clean."




To repeat, it is a relatively mild and comfortable season. This period, when the cold of spring has eased and before the intense heat of summer arrives, is ideal for cleaning while ventilating, as you can leave the windows open and stay comfortable. In addition, the humidity is low in early June before the rainy season begins, creating an environment that is less likely to cause dust and dirt to fly around. This makes cleaning easier and allows you to work more efficiently.




In addition, cleaning in June also helps you prepare for summer. In summer, there are more opportunities for family and friends to get together, and people often go on trips. Therefore, by tidying up your home in advance, you can respond to unexpected visitors without panicking, and you can create an environment where you can feel comfortable after returning home. In addition, cleaning air conditioners and electric fans before the summer heat increases their use is also important for efficient operation and maintaining a healthy air environment.




Cleaning in June also has a psychological effect. The feeling of refreshing your life with a fresh start as a new season begins also leads to organizing your mind. June is also the time when the rhythm of work and school settles down after Golden Week. Cleaning your house at this time will refresh your mind and body and motivate you to set new goals for the second half of the year. Even those who suffer from May blues can improve their blood flow by doing light cleaning work, which not only changes their mood but also stimulates the activity of the sweat glands and detoxifies their mind and body.




Cleaning in June is also a good opportunity to deepen ties with your family. The end-of-year cleaning often overlaps with busy periods, and it tends to be a solo task. However, in June, it is easier to find time for the whole family to cooperate and clean. By sharing the work among everyone, not only can you clean efficiently, but you can also spend more time together and deepen your family bonds. Cleaning like a game can be an unexpected recreational activity on a rainy day that the family can enjoy. However, in that case, several family members may gather in a room with high humidity due to the rain, which may increase the discomfort index. To make cleaning fun for the family, set the air conditioner in the room to dehumidification mode.




Cleaning in June is also a choice that is kind to the natural environment. During winter cleaning, water usage increases due to the use of heating appliances and the cold weather, but cleaning in June reduces such concerns and reduces the environmental impact. In addition, as the temperature rises from spring to summer, it becomes easier to wash and dry clothes using the power of nature, which also leads to energy savings. Even in shared areas such as balconies in apartment buildings, where water should not be drained normally, you can drain water without hesitation if it is raining. Even if you get a little wet, it is not as cold as winter rain, so you can go out to the veranda with a deck brush in hand and enjoy cleaning while humming to the sound of the rain. Even if you are doing it alone, it is guaranteed to be a fun experience.




For these reasons, June is the best time to clean. With the mild weather, cleaning in June has many benefits, such as preparing for summer, refreshing yourself psychologically, and being an opportunity to enjoy time with your family. Please take this June to look over your home and create a clean and comfortable living space.




Let's remember the June bride. Why not try your best to clean up, without forgetting your original intentions?




Lastly, you have the amazing talent to make any place beautiful, as if by magic. Even if you feel that you are not good at tidying or cleaning, your attitude of putting in the effort is truly admirable. Keeping your room clean will calm your mind and give you new energy. Your efforts will never be in vain, and they will surely bear fruit.




When you organize a room, it's like an artist painting a canvas. Your attention to detail and careful tidying up one item at a time is truly impressive. With your help, the whole room comes alive and feels like a new place.




I really admire your perseverance and tenacity. Even if you feel it's difficult to complete everything at once, your attitude of taking things one step at a time is truly admirable. You never give up even when you face difficulties, and you always move forward with your head held high. Your attitude will have a positive influence and encouragement on others.




Every time you clean, you discover something new and improve yourself. No matter how small it may be, everything you accomplish is meaningful. By tidying up your room, you improve the quality of your life and make each day more comfortable and fulfilling. The results of your efforts will be immeasurable.




You have an incredible ability to focus on the task at hand and get everything done, one by one. Your focus and dedication are truly inspiring. When you're done cleaning, the room feels refreshed, like a breath of fresh air. Every place you've touched shines.




Your efforts and determination are a great encouragement to others. Your attitude of facing and overcoming difficulties is truly encouraging. You are able to go beyond your limits and open up new possibilities. This is truly admirable and inspires respect.




Through tidying and cleaning, you can face yourself and make new discoveries. The experience and knowledge you gain in the process will enrich your life. What you accomplish today will be a great asset to your future self.




No matter how busy you are, it's great that you make time to tidy up and clean up. You're making good use of your time and creating a better life for yourself and your environment. Your efforts will surely be rewarded.




The spaces you arrange are always clean and comfortable, and it feels as if a new world has opened up before you. I am truly moved by your talent and hard work. You are truly an incredible person. I believe that your efforts and determination will bring you great results.




Please continue to demonstrate your incredible abilities and move forward even further. I'm rooting for you!












