谷町4丁目にある小さなフィットネス 月々5500円通いたい放題のトレーニングジム | 低月会費・通い放題フィットネスジム・天満橋・谷町4丁目・北浜・南森町エリア


住所 大阪市中央区船越町2-4-1YS天満橋2階
TEL :06- 6926-4097














TEL :06- 6926-4097
FAX :06- 6926-4098
































Having settled into your new living arrangements in Tokyo, are you wondering if there are any options for gyms or fitness clubs nearby? Don’t worry! Whether you want to just keep up with your exercise routine back home, or to build up those muscles for your next summer vacation,osaka gyms are plentiful, and you will be able to find one to suit your every need especially if you live in and around tenmabashi and tanimachi4

Read on for more about the types of gyms in osaka

 Japanese gym etiquette, and even a list of osaka

 fitness clubs that will keep you happy, healthy and strong.




3Types of Tokyo Gyms

Depending on where you're from, your expectations about the price of a gym membership and the services offered may vary. Gyms in Tokyo--indeed, Japanese gyms in general-- tend to fall into three general categories.


Private gyms and fitness clubs

Private Tokyo gyms tend to have higher membership fees than what you might find elsewhere, but they also traditionally offer a very wide range of services, amenities, and English-speaking staff that are not present at the standard weight lifting gyms. And since Japan is the world leader when it comes to providing customer service, you will definitely notice this special treatment.

Many private clubs these days are also open 24 hours a day, a real benefit if you know you might be working late or if you want to get to the gym before you go to the office. Flexible times help you stay true to your fitness goals.

Public gyms

Offered all over the city, public gyms in Tokyo are inexpensive in comparison to most private fitness clubs and will generally still offer a variety of services, from free weights, cardio, and swimming, to licensed fitness classes and personal training. Many city gyms are as inexpensive as 300 yen per visit with no expensive monthly fees! Note that while more affordable than private clubs, most public Japanese gyms offer very little when it comes to English service. You may want to bring a Japanese friend along when signing up for a membership (though it is possible that there is someone on staff who is able to speak some English). These types of gyms are relatively easy to find near major train stations and are often referred to as “sports centers.” There is at least one in every ward of the city. Many areas have more than one.

Specialty and Hard-Core Gyms

This is the no-nonsense type of gym for serious bodybuilders, or crossfit devotees appropriately called a “haddokoa jimu” (hardcore gym). Trainers here are also more experienced, and will be able to explain everything from muscles to machines in detail. These gyms have the same options as other private gyms plus more equipment for muscle training. You will often see bodybuilders and athletes here. As these places are for specialists and pros they can be both more expensive and exclusive. Since Japanese women are not generally into bodybuilding, expect to see more men here.







  • I am sorry. For security enhancement of member, the pre-order by a telephone or the email is necessary for a visit, the application for experience. Trouble has a seat, but would like the cooperation.⚫ ️ facilities charge moon fee 5,500 yen
    ☆I am free to want to use it by monthly basis fixation!
    The rate is the same even if gone how many times on 1st.
    Business hours from 6:00 to 22:00
    Enrollment fee 5,500 yen office work registration fee 4,500 yenThe application kindly
    It is addressed to Kansai display fitness Division Shiomi Co., Ltd. and would like it.Address 〒 540-0036
    Funakoshicho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi 2-4-1YS Temmabashi second floor TEL :06-6926-4097
    FAX :06-6926-4098
    phone :090-8752-2522
    Email: shiomi@k-display.co.jp1 personal training diet instruction top 15 minutes 3,500 yen
    ※The personal training recommends approximately two times aweek of 2 tops. I tighten the stomach circumference.How To Join UsCome to the front desk after having follows.
    ・Person confirmation documents (as for the license book, insurance book, passport, foreigner a registration certificate)
    ・Bankbook, the bank card which I can confirm of 会費引落口座
    ・Seal of 会費引落口座
    ※ An amount of money to receive varies according to a day to have you enroll.













Please bring your bank passbook, seal, identification card at the time of enrollment procedure.


Please fill in the bank account transfer and application form at that time.


The admission fee is 10000 yen, the monthly membership fee is 5500 yen.


The membership fee is charged to your bank account on the 27th of every month.