

Za** Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc

Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture


Increasing the intracelalar ¿a' concestration with zino-lonephores lie pyrithione (PT) car.

Procedures to tres booey Me creen strene that the comenboo of da dho to at tom cooccuratoo

arteritis virus (EAV) in cell cuiture. The RNA synbesis of these two distanty related niloviruses is

complex (RTC). Using an activity assy for RTCa islated

from cells infected with SARS-CoV or EAV

this eliminating the seed for PT to transport Za** the plasma membrane we show that 2n% efficietly ichibits the RNA-synthesizing activity of the

Kie older wanes Carrel shots tine tocent Kite Kooko moleststy puritied from E coli subsequenty revealed that Za** directly ishiited the in vitro activity of both

aldovirus polymerases. More specifically, 2a7* was found to Mock the initistica step of EAV RNA

V the SARS-CoV RaRp elegatice was inhibited and teglate linding

reduced By chelating Zn** with MgETA, the insiticory elliert of the divalent catien could be

reversed, which provides a novel experimental tool foe in vitro studies of the molecular details of 亜鉛イオノフォアで細胞内のZn2+濃度を高めると、 ポリオウイルスやインフルエンザウイルスを含む 様々なRNAウイルスの複製を効率的に阻害すること ができる。この効果はウイルスポリタンバク質のブ ロセシングの妨害に起因している。本研究では、低 濃度のZn2+とピリチオンの組み合わせが、細胞培養 においてSARS-コロナウイルスとウマ動脈炎ウイル

