Another entry in the rice cultivation diary. | 宇佐本百姓の作業日記



Mr A here!


In the morning, Mr. Inasaku and I cleaned the grain elevators, the color sorting machine, and the rice hulling machine.  


It needed a cleaning after hulling (ancient grain) black rice on Saturday.


Next, we prepared happy rice and amazake for shipment to a customer who came to pick it up in the afternoon.  

We had to go to the warehouse to pick up six bags of Happy Rice.  

Every time you move rice, you have to enter it in the inventory to say where it is going... 

For example, is the rice going to be shipped or is it going to the rice center.


So, I logged into the inventory server. 


Of course, the inventory server is in Japanese.


I'm not complaining, it's just a fact of life living in Japan!


Since I cannot read Kangi, I have to remember their shape!


Some Kanji are easier than others.


The kanji for shipping, for example, stands out because it is simple and therefore easy to remember. 


On the other hand, most Kanji is too hard to remember so I use Google Translate.


I digress. 


Then, just before lunch, we repaired a drain that had been damaged when a tractor cultivated the field. 


It took much less time than I expected!   


In the afternoon, we replaced the pipes on a portable toilet so it could flush water again.  


Later we removed the stubble culture implement from the M135 tractor.


That was my day.