Printed on the back of the painting my mother gave me for Christmas in 2015. I sometimes take the frame down from the wall just to feel close to her. My mother, my grandmother, my aunties and many other women made me into the man I am today. For that I am forever grateful. The sacrifices that women make for men on a daily basis knowing that in many ways they will often be taken for granted, if not by those the sacrifices were made for, then by society as a whole, are priceless gifts I could not even begin to adequately return. Thank you so much to every woman in the world for creating a place for me. As my mother's note says, I was born painted with the colors of courage, anticipation and excitement. Many people didn't and still do not agree with those colors. But they are mine, and I will wear them happily. Thank you mom, thank you family, and thank you world. Everyone deserves to be measured exclusively on the content of their character, and only by those we allow. I stand in solidarity with the women of the world. 2015年のクリスマスプレゼントとして母がくれた絵の裏にはこんな手紙が。母を近くに感じたくて時々その絵を壁から外してじっと眺める。母が、祖母が、叔母二人が、昨日の自分を愛してくれたことで今日の僕がいる。女性は、一人の子供を育てるのに数えきれないほどの犠牲とたくさんの努力を要される。それらを社会から、もしかしたらその子自身から、当たり前だと思われてしまうことを知りながら惜しむことなく頑張り続ける。その犠牲と努力が、女性からこの世に対するかけがえのない贈り物だと気づきたい。Mama, Mammy, Aunties 居場所を作ってくれてありがとう。手紙に書いてあるように、僕は勇気と野心、そして期待を持って生まれた。確かにそんな鮮やかな自分によって、人につらい想いをさせられた時もあった。でもみんなの愛のお陰で誇りを持ってこんな鮮やかな自分で歌を歌っていられる。ママ、家族、全世界の女性、ありがとう。 #InternationalWomensDay ❤

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Printed on the back of the painting my mother gave me for Christmas in 2015. I sometimes take the frame down from the wall just to feel close to her. My mother, my grandmother, my aunties and many other women made me into the man I am today. For that I am forever grateful. The sacrifices that women make for men on a daily basis knowing that in many ways they will often be taken for granted, if not by those the sacrifices were made for, then by society as a whole, are priceless gifts I could not even begin to adequately return. Thank you so much to every woman in the world for creating a place for me. As my mother's note says, I was born painted with the colors of courage, anticipation and excitement. Many people didn't and still do not agree with those colors. But they are mine, and I will wear them happily. Thank you mom, thank you family, and thank you world. Everyone deserves to be measured exclusively on the content of their character, and only by those we allow. I stand in solidarity with the women of the world.

2015年のクリスマスプレゼントとして母がくれた絵の裏にはこんな手紙が。母を近くに感じたくて時々その絵を壁から外してじっと眺める。母が、祖母が、叔母二人が、昨日の自分を愛してくれたことで今日の僕がいる。女性は、一人の子供を育てるのに数えきれないほどの犠牲とたくさんの努力を要される。それらを社会から、もしかしたらその子自身から、当たり前だと思われてしまうことを知りながら惜しむことなく頑張り続ける。その犠牲と努力が、女性からこの世に対するかけがえのない贈り物だと気づきたい。Mama, Mammy, Aunties 居場所を作ってくれてありがとう。手紙に書いてあるように、僕は勇気と野心、そして期待を持って生まれた。確かにそんな鮮やかな自分によって、人につらい想いをさせられた時もあった。でもみんなの愛のお陰で誇りを持ってこんな鮮やかな自分で歌を歌っていられる。ママ、家族、全世界の女性、ありがとう。

#InternationalWomensDay ❤