Okay, it's been a long time since I wrote anything lengthy in English, so please forgive my lack of linguistic capabilities.
I'll start with a basic, physical profile! The one I attach to audition documents... xD


Name / 名前: Nick Edwards
Age / 年齢: 18
Date of birth / 生年月日: 1992.7.31
Place of origin / 本籍: Oregon, USA

Height / 身長: 185 cm
Weight / 体重: 65 kg
Bust / バスト: 89 cm
Waist / ウェースト: 69 cm
Hip / ヒップ: 82 cm
Shoe / 足: 27 cm

Hair / 髪の毛: Blonde
Eyes / 目: Green

So now that you know what I look like, I suppose I should write some sort of miniautobiography...
I'll give you all a quick overview of how I got to where I am :)


I was born in a very small town as the first child of a newlywed couple. Actually, I'm my mom's first child and my dad's second. My dad was married once before he married my mom, so I have an older half brother. He's in his 30s though so we've never lived together and we only meet every once in a while. Three years younger than me is my little brother. We have a love-hate relationship, but in the end we're brothers and friends. :)

So blah, blah, blah, I grew up, got through elementary school, got through middle school, and began high school in the year 200...5? That was when I was first introduced to Japanese.

My decision to take Japanese in high school had a few factors- the first being that I wanted to take the most challenging language. Being that Japanese is essentially nothing like English, I thought it would be the most difficult. My second reason was that I didn't have any interest in the other three languages offered, Spanish, German, and French. I guess it wasn't that I didn't have an interest, but rather that I wasn't compelled to study. And the smallest, third reason was that I kind of liked Naruto at the time and thought it would be cool if I didn't have to wait for the subbed episodes to come out. Of course, by the time I could actually speak and understand Japanese fluently I didn't watch Naruto anymore, so that reason was kind of a fleeting one.

I've been studying Japanese for 4 years, 2 months, and 11 days. It's easy to calculate that because I know my Freshman year started on September 5th. xD

Some people think that 4 years and some change is a short time to learn a language, and some think I must be an idiot for taking so long. Although, I will have all know that I've been certified as a fluent speaker since half way through my second year of studying. I tested into college level 402 Japanese at the end of my Freshman year.

Although I'd like to attribute all of that to my discipline, it really wasn't a challenge for me to focus my efforts on Japanese. For the first semester of Freshman year, I was pretty much just another student taking a required language class. But in March of 2006, I hosted to Japanese exchange students for a week, which sounds like a really short span of time, but it was enough to basically change my entire life.

My desire to communicate with them and my respect for their courage to come abroad and live their lives grew into a fierce determination to master Japanese and become a more international being. At the time I didn't realize my life would begin to revolve around Japan, but somehow that's where it ended up.

A little more history, I've been singing since I was 3. Yeah, I know, 15 years and all I've got is this? Trust me, I feel the exact same way. I've only been seriously singing for 2 and a half years. But I remember singing Happy Birthday in front of all my dad's friends on his birthday, and having everyone tell me that I should be a singer.

I'm sure they regret it now. xD Now that I've flown across the ocean and actually put my future on the line to chase a dream they probably weren't serious about.

But that's okay. :)

When I actually consciously decided that I wanted to pursue a career in entertainment, I was 15, and it was just before I actually made my first trip to Japan. My voice was WEAK back then. It's still not Christina, but hey, if you heard my first recording, you'd recognize the improvement.

Sorry this is totally out of order and random, but I'm just gonna throw the rest of what I've got out there and hope that you can piece it all chronologically together. xD

So from second semester of Freshman year tooooooo, let's say the second semester of Junior year. I literally studied from the time I got home from school to the time that I went to bed. I loved it. I was crazy about it. I don't have ANY idea why, but at that time, I would have rather studied Japanese than have gone out with my friends. Sorry friends. No offense.

So I guess my current ability, though not wondrous or flawless, stems from those two years of rabid studying.

I have a quick memory and I'm a fast learner, so pair that with the drive to understand and I can usually conquer what I set my mind to.

I got interested in J-pop when my one of the students I hosted played me "Tsubomi" by Kobukuro, and "Rain" by Angela Aki. I have never really been a big fan of American music, and I unfortunately know next to nothing about the top hits of my country. Even in Japan people ask me about how famous some song was and I just pretend I've heard it and make something up. It's not that I don't like it...it just doesn't interest me I guess.

Most people on YouTube think I'm a giant Tohoshinki fan, but the truth is that I really don't know anything about them. I just like their songs. I don't think I've even watched a show they were on before. They have fantastic voices and they put out some great music. That's all I really care about in relation to Tohoshinki...sorry to burst anyone's bubble. I sing them a lot because they're vocally challenging and fun.

My favorite artist is Utada Hikaru. I love her lyrics and music and respect her immensely for her art and skill. I have a ton of artists I like, I suppose you can just go to my YouTube page and read that ridiculously long list. xD


Anything else you guys want to know??? Feel free to shoot me a message on YouTube or here...also follow me on twitter!!
