これは・・! | 展示 インドユダヤ

Man's very 

wrong education


 has made the head

 the most important part 

of the human body. The head

 or brain is 


not the most important center of life-energy in man. It is


 like going to a plant 

and asking it what its most important 

and vital part is. Because

 the flowers can 

be seen at the

 top of the plant, the plant


 and everybody else

 will say that the

 flowers are the

 most important part. So although


 the flowers seem to be 

the most important they are not, the most

 important part are the roots, which 

are not visible. The brain is the


 flower on the plant of man, it is 


not the root. Roots come first; flowers 



come last. If the roots 

are ignored the flowers will wither away because they


 have no separate life of their own. If the roots 


are taken care of, the flowers 


get taken care of automatically; no special


 effort is needed 

to care for 

them. But looking at


 a plant it seems

 that the flowers 

are the most important 

part and in the same way

 it seems that, in man, the brain

 is most important. The brain is

 the final development in man's body; it is not the root.