だれ~っ、日本の大半は沈んじゃうって預言してた人は~っ。。。(マジで起っちゃうかも) Part | 常常日記

だれ~っ、日本の大半は沈んじゃうって預言してた人は~っ。。。(マジで起っちゃうかも) Part



まだ、106日あるみたいだから。。。 |(^o^)/
About Geomagnetic reversal and Poleshift  
By eyeMarch 15, 2011
A growing number of scientists are starting to worry that it is the magnetic pole shift that seems to be underway that is the real culprit behind climate change. Not man made air pollution, not the sun, not the underground volcanic activity heating up the oceans, but the slow beginning of a pole shift that has been thought to destroy entire civilizations in the past and be one major factor in mass extinctions. NASA recently...
A growing number of scientists are starting to worry that it is the magnetic pole shift that seems to be underway that is the real culprit behind climate change. Not man made air pollution, not the sun, not the underground volcanic activity heating up the oceans, but the slow beginning of a pole shift that has been thought to destroy entire civilizations in the past and be one major factor in mass extinctions. NASA recently discovered and released information about a major breach in the earth’s magnetic field.

This breach in the earth/s magnetic field alone, in that it is allowing solar winds to enter the earths atmosphere, is sufficient to really mess up the weather. Not only is this accelerating magnetic pole shift messing up the weather it is having major effects on geopolitics. These magnetic shifts are not only capable of causing massive global super storms, but can cause certain societies, cultures and whole countries to collapse, even go to war with one another.




All yet remains to be seen, but the magnetic reversal of the earth’s poles seems to be rapidly increasing and IS affecting world weather patterns. The real question is how bad will things get before it all settles backdown to a “new normal?” At one time in history it was thought the North Pole was in the area that is now known as Hudson Bay. If the Hudson Bay area was the last locatoin of the North Pole, where will it go next? And how bad will global super storms and climate change get before it is over? And can we stop blaming each other for causing this and work together to survive it and keep civilization in tact? (Suite101)







The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center maintains a data set of annual magnetic north pole coordinates going back to the year 1590, derived from early measurements from ships logs to modern day techniques. Noting that there has been lots of reporting of pole shift lately, to the point where the phenomenon is actually causing real-world issues such as temporary airport closures, a deeper investigation was in order. After transferring 420 years of north pole position data from the NOAA Geo Data Center, configuring it to fit in an Excel spreadsheet, adding a complicated formula to determine exact distance between 2 sets of latitude-longitude coordinates, applying the formula to each data point in the series, and then finally plotting it all in a visual graph, it is alarming to discover the amount of pole shift just over the past 10 to 20 years. (GlobalRumbling)



Graph of annual magnetic north pole shift during the past 420 years


Since 1860, the magnetic pole shift has more than doubled every 50 years. That is pretty significant. During the past 150 years, the pole shift has been in the same direction. During the past 10 years, the magnetic north pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! In other words, the pole shift has apparently sped up substantially. It is not known if the shift will speed up or slow down in the years ahead. Some say that a pole reversal is overdue, and this phenomenon may be indicators of the beginnings of that process. (ModernSurvivalist)

1860年以降、磁軸の移動は50年ごとに2倍以上となっています。 これは大変際立っています。過去150年間、磁軸移動は同方向です。 過去10年では、過去50年でおきた移動総距離の半分近くを占めているのです。
すなわち、磁軸移動はスピードを上げているということです。 そして、このスピードが速くなるのか、遅くなるのか、誰にもわからないのです。 ある人は、もうとっくに極反転はおきていていいはずだといいます。そして、これらの現象はそのプロセスのはじまりをあらわしているのかもしれません。

The Pole shift hypothesis is not to be confused with geomagnetic reversal, the periodic reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field (effectively switching the north and south magnetic poles). Geomagnetic reversal has more acceptance in the scientific community than pole shift hypotheses. The Pole shift hypothesis is almost always discussed in the context of Earth, but other bodies in the Solar System may have experienced axial reorientation during their existences. The theory says that the outer crust of the Earth has moved several times in the past and would move in the future.



ポールシフト仮説は、体外の場合、地球に限って討論されますが、太陽系の別の天体も、その存在の中で、軸の再移動がおきていたかもしれません。 ポールシフト仮説によれば、地球の最表面の地殻が過去数回にわたり移動し、そして、未来にもそれが起りうるとしています。

A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth’s magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south become interchanged. The Earth’s magnetic north pole is drifting from northern Canada towards Siberia with a presently accelerating rate. It is also unknown if this drift will continue to accelerate. Present society with its reliance of electricity and electromagnetic effects (e.g. radio, satellite communications) may be vulnerable to technological diruptions in the event of a full field reversal.






The Earth’s geomagnetic field is currently undergoing a reversal. It is not known when it will be completed, but it is already well underway, will continue into 2012 and beyond. The field is weakening with consequences of irradiation from the sun and deep space. But the reversal also means deep seated changes inside the earth with consequences of earthquakes in places not familiar with them and new volcanoes. During the reversal, we can experience increased earthquake activity, even an earthquake storm. Three new volcanoes are being born in the various undersea locations of the Pacific Ocean at this time. The reversal is a product of the changes that go on inside the Earth. The core is spinning slightly faster than the crust that has been slowed by the effect of the moon by tidal dragging. The differential rotation is what generates the magnetic field. As the core rotates, the magnetic field lines behave like what happens on the surface of the sun as the sun has differential rotation from equator to pole. The differential rotation in both cases stretches the magnetic field lines so that they get wound round and round the sun or Earth. At a certain moment in each case, the magnetic field lines snap and the field reverses and rebuilds. The differential flow of the sun occurs much faster than in the earth, so the magnetic cycle occurs in the sun cycles around 22 years on average. The Earth takes longer and is aperiodic due to the slower winding and the interaction of the moon, sun and planets. Typical field reversals can take hundreds of thousands or millions of years.



核が回転することにより、磁力線は太陽表面のような行動を起します。太陽では、赤道から極までの回転速度が違うのです。 どちらの場合も、回転の違いが磁力線を引き伸ばします。そして地球や太陽のまわりをぐるぐる巻きにします。どちらの場合も、ある瞬間に、磁力線がはじけて磁極圏が反転し、再構成されます。 太陽の流れの変化は地球とくらべてとてもはやく、太陽では平均して22年で磁力サイクルが発生します。地球はもっと時間が’かかり、緩慢な動きと太陽や月の相互作用により、不定期におこります。典型的な圏の反転は、数十万年、あるいは数百万年かけておこります。

The current state of the geomagnetosphere is very chaotic with no definitive north-south orientation of poles . Instead there is a patchwork of poles all over the place. It is analogous to the surface of the sun during a sunspot maximum period where there are many fields coupled by sunspot pairs . The remains of the main field still exist, but is weakening, with the south magnetic pole closer to the equator than the north magnetic pole. Satellite imaging shows that the overall field has broken into many local regions with plenty of neutral zones between them where solar and cosmic radiation can get to the earth’s surface unimpeded except by the atmosphere. As of March 2010, NASA space weather tells us two things. The first is that the Earth’s magnetic field is almost at zero strength overall, broken into hundreds of small coupled fields. The sun for the moment is relatively quiet according to what is observed by aural activity on earth. These magnetic zones are shifting continually and presage change. It appears that the field will be globally neutral on or about 2012.




Right now, the earth is open to penetration by ionizing radiation from all sources, but the local solar weather and cosmos is relatively quiet. It will not remain so and it is hard to know in advance when a radiation event will come from the cosmos at large. With the sun, we may have a day or two concerning a proton event, but not for gamma rays as it will hit us the moment we see signs like a coronal mass ejection. Where the chaotic fields are at their weakest, is exactly where auras will show and warn us of oncoming radiation. Ionizing radiation means an increase in radiation driven evolutionary change and radiation related illness.

ただいまの地球の現状は、あらゆるソースからの電離を起す放射線の侵入を許しています。しかし、宇宙と太陽の天気が比較的おだやかなのです。 しかし、いつまでもそれが続くわけではなく、いつ宇宙から大量の放射線が降りそそぐ事象がおきるのか、予測することはできません。もし、太陽由来のものであれば、陽子イベントが地球に届くまでに1~2日はあります。しかし、ガンマ線は、そうはいきません。コロナ大量放出を観測したその時点で我々に降り注ぐからです。このように、地磁気圏が混沌としており、もっとも弱い時期は、オーロラが出現し、放射線の到来を警告してくれるのです。 電離放射線がくるということは、放射線によってもたらされる種の進化の変化をもたらし、また、放射線関連の病気も増えます。

A sign of the times is increase in earthquake activity, including in regions that are considered geologically stable and not subject to earthquakes. (Newsolio)

The Earth’s magnetosphere is what generates the Earth’s magnetic poles. It also protects us from harmful solar wind emanating from the Sun and radiation from outside our solar system. It sheathes the Earth and extends outside the atmosphere. This is why missions to the moon and other planets are plagued by radiation but orbiting missions less so.

時節到来の兆候は、地震活動です。それはこれまで地球物理的に安定していて地震が起るとされていなかった場所での地震活動も含みます。地球の地磁気圏が地球の磁軸極を生むのです。そしてそれは、太陽からの太陽風と太陽系外からの放射線からわれわれを保護してくれます。 それは地球とその環境の外にたいして保護してくれるのです。 そのような理由で、月とその他の惑星へのミッションは地球周回のミッションに比べて放射線の影響に悩まされてしまふのです。

Scientists know that reversals have occurred many times in the past. The direction of magnetic grains laid down successively in the Earth’s crust, particularly the sea floor are a primary piece of evidence. When the rock is new and molten the grains are free to align themselves with the prevailing magnetic field. As the rock cools, the grains are frozen in time. As the sea floor expands outward (in the Atlantic), it is regularly striped with rock oriented in different directions. This indicates that the magnetic poles have reversed many times throughout the Earth’s history.


The South Atlantic Anomaly (or SAA) is the region where Earth’s inner van Allen radiation belt makes its closest approach to the planet’s surface. Thus, for a given altitude, the radiation intensity is greater within this region than elsewhere. The van Allen radiation belts are symmetric with the Earth’s magnetic axis, which is tilted with respect to the Earth’s rotational axis by an angle of ~11 degrees. Additionally, the magnetic axis is offset from the rotational axis by ~450 kilometers (280 miles). Because of the tilt and offset, the inner van Allen belt is closest to the Earth’s surface over the south Atlantic ocean, and furthest from the Earth’s surface over the north Pacific ocean.

南太平洋特異域は、地球よりのバンアレン放射ベルトがもっとも地球表層に近づくところです。そこでは与えられた高度で他の地域に比べて放射線密度が大きいのです。バンアレン放射ベルトは地球の磁軸と対象をなします。そして、磁軸は地球の回転軸から11°傾いています。 さらに、磁軸は回転軸から450km(280マイル)偏差しています。 この傾きと偏差により、南大西洋で地球よりのバンアレン帯は最も接近し、そして北太平洋でもっとも地球から遠ざかります。

Some believe that the anomaly is a side effect of geomagnetic reversal. This may result from a misunderstanding of the extant literature, which mentions a slow weakening of the geomagnetic field as one of several causes for the changes in the borders of the SAA since its discovery. What is true is that as the geomagnetic field continues to weaken, the inner van Allen belt will get closer to the Earth, with a commensurate enlargement of the SAA at given altitudes. The highest intensity portion of the SAA drifts to the west at a speed of about 0.3 degrees per year, and is noticeable in the references listed below. The drift rate of the SAA is very close to the rotation differential between the Earth’s core and its surface, estimated to be between 0.3 and 0.5 degrees per year. (MaritimeConnector)

この特異域は、ある人によれば、地磁気反転の副作用ではないかといいます。しかし、これは地磁気圏のゆっくりとした弱まりが南大西洋特異域の領域の変化をもたらしているのだとする過去の文献の誤解の結果なのかもしれません。 真実は、地磁気圏が弱まることにより、地球よりのバンアレン帯が地球により接近し、特定の高度での南大西洋特異域の面積が広がるからなのです。この特異域のもっとも密度の高いところが、年率0.3度で西に移動しつつあります。 そしてこの移動率は、地球の核とその表面との回転の差に近値しています。


The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is known to be growing in extent and spreading westwards from South Africa, as the Earth’s internal magnetic field rapidly weakens in this region. This may be early evidence of a forthcoming reversal in the direction of the Earth’s internal magnetic field. We do not know in detail precisely what occurs during such reversals, including the changes observed in the magnetic field and the time a reversal takes to complete. However these factors are important in knowing where the radiation risk may be increased and how the atmosphere might respond. Earth’s magnetic field has had many highs, lows and reversals in its past. The last reversal was around 800,000 years ago. So the Earth is known to be able to re-generate its field and has done so during human pre-history. Understanding the development of the SAA may therefore be significant in understanding the reversal process and its impact on life and the natural environment. (BrittishGeologicalSurvey)

最後に反転したのは、80万年前です。そして、反転のあと、再び磁気圏を形成したことが知られています。人類の歴史の前のできごとです。 そこで、南大西洋特異域の変化を理解することは、この反転の'プロセスを理解し、それが生命や自然環境に与える影響を理解ことは重要になってきます。

(つづく はふーっ、4000字超えちゃいます。。。)