
Stationing U.S. Troops in Taiwan: Former U.N. Ambassador Bolton’s Shocking Article
Ryukyu Shinpo Report


【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 101

In January 1979 during the Carter administration, the U.S. established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and broke off relations with the Republic of China [Taiwan], its former ally during the war against Japan. Beginning in 1949, dominion over continental China transferred to the Chinese Communist Party, and the U.S. finally bowed to this reality.

The “Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of China,” which provided for a military alliance between the U.S. and Taiwan and which was signed in December 1954, expired around this same time, and the U.S. troops stationed in Taiwan withdrew. The People’s Liberation Army, which had already clashed with all the surrounding countries, was confident that sooner or later it would stage a military invasion of Taiwan.

However, the U.S. passed the Taiwan Relations Act. Stationing of U.S. troops would be ended, but through arms sales and the power of U.S. troops stationed in Okinawa and elsewhere, Taiwan would be protected as a member of the free world. Since that time, Okinawa (Japan) has provided one-sided service as part of the U.S. Taiwan defense policy.

In the Wall Street Journal on January 17th, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, whose name has been widely floated as a possible assistant secretary of state (equivalent of vice foreign minister in Japan) in the Donald Trump administration, contributed an excellent article. The article advocated setting up U.S. military bases in Taiwan and moving some of the forces in Okinawa to those bases.

The only reason that U.S. military bases are concentrated in Okinawa is because Okinawa is in such an advantageous geopolitical position, but Taiwan has just as much, if not more, geopolitical value as Okinawa.

If Bolton’s proposal were implemented, it would check the high-handed actions of the PRC in the South China Sea and the Senkaku Islands even more effectively than now, while at the same time reducing the burden of bases in Okinawa

It might be possible to relocate bases not just “at least outside of the prefecture” as irresponsibly advocated by Democratic Party of Japan former prime minister Yukio Hatoyama in off-the-cuff remarks, but out of the country altogether. There could not be a more welcome proposal for the demonstrators campaigning against U.S. military bases in Okinawa.

A check of the internet shows that Sankei Newspaper, Mainichi Newspaper, Jiji Press, Ryukyu Shinpo Newspaper, etc. reported on this proposal.

The Ryukyu Shinpo article was most surprising. It stuck to the facts and showed no bias. It may have been a trial balloon since the newspaper could not decide what position to take.

An internet search failed to find any traces of reporting about Mr. Bolton’s proposal by that portion of the newspapers and TV stations that always report the U.S. military bases in Okinawa as “the root of all evil”

It is unclear whether the reason was their lack of ability to gather information or an exercise of “the right not to report.”

I was expecting to hear effusive praise of Mr. Bolton from Governor Takeshi Onaga and the citizen groups opposing the transfer of Futenma Marine Corps Air Station to Henoko because of environmental destruction and the feared danger of noise pollution and possible accidents involving Osprey helicopters, but to date they are maintaining silence.

They have my sympathies over their mixed feelings.









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