

 Last week I wrote about the Potsdam Declaration. This document set forth certain conditions under which Japan was warned to surrender by the United States, Great Britain, and Nationalist China. Japan accepted the conditions and surrendered. I read several arguments that the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration was unconditional surrender, but all of them were hollow arguments.

 On September 2, 1945, based on the conditions set forth in the Potsdam Declaration, Japan signed the Instrument of Surrender aboard the battleship Missouri. However, General Headquarters Supreme Commander General MacArthur disliked being bound by the surrender conditions and made a direct appeal to President Truman.

 On September 6, President Truman declared that “the Potsdam Declaration is not binding on the parties” and sent a clear written order to MacArthur that “the relationship with Japan is based on unconditional surrender.” Japan had supposedly surrendered conditionally, but Truman suddenly asserted that “the Japanese surrender is unconditional.” Since the Japanese armed forces had been completely disarmed, there was no way for Japan to resist.

 This sequence of events can be read in web-based documents of the National Diet Library. In order to hide the deception by the American side, GHQ undertook brainwashing to the effect that “acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration equaled unconditional surrender.”

 I learned one other interesting historical fact. During deliberations on the Constitution of Japan, the Japanese Communist Party was the only party to oppose Article 9. This is recorded in the minutes of the 90th Imperial Diet. It goes without saying that the Communists also directly opposed “Chapter 1. The Emperor.”

 The Constitution Reform Bill garnered 421 votes in the Imperial Diet House of Representatives, with all of the 8 opposing votes being cast the Japanese Communist Party. It would be interesting to consider when and why they started voicing support for Article 9.

 Some people are concerned when I continued to point out errors in the U.S. postwar policies. For example, a good American friend whose face can be seen almost every day on Japanese television took the trouble to send me an email. I could tell from what he wrote that he indeed was concerned about me. I think he probably also feels that disclosure of historical facts with negative elements may be against U.S. national interests.

 However, I am convinced that honest recognition by the U.S. government of mistakes, such as when President Reagan apologized for the internment of Japanese Americans during the war, will inure to the mutual national interest of the United States and Japan.

 Japanese are trustworthy, value justice and right, dislike lies, like manly graciousness, do not forget obligations, and are able to let bygones be begones.

 However, I think that in diplomacy, it is probably true that “honesty” and “trustworthiness” only hold good between Japan and the United States. Japanese people must not forget this most unfortunate reality.



素晴らしい国・日本に告ぐ! (SEIRINDO BOOKS)/青林堂



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