Regarding Use of the Term Shina for China


Of late, the number of people describing the continent and nation located next door as Shina [支那orシナ] instead of Chuugoku [中国] in postings on Facebook or Twitter is increasing.




The English is pronounced China, so it could be read as Shina. However, the word actually dates back to and derives from the name of the first Dynasty in China which was called Shin [秦(シン)], so it has an honorable and ancient origin. Even now, the word is used routinely in words such as Shina Soba (ramen noodles) or the East China Sea (Higashi Shina-kai). In addition, there is a region of Japan called Chuugoku, so some people use Shina for purposes of differentiating between the two.


しかし、過去の経緯を調べてみると、中華民国(ROC=Republic of China)の指導者であった蒋介石は(根拠や妥当性は別にして)、日本人が彼らを「支那」や「支那人」と呼ぶのは差別的であると戦前から批判していました。敗戦国となった戦後の日本では政府の方針もあって、これらの言葉をほとんど使わなくなりました。ですから今、「支那」の言葉をあえて使う場合は通常、差別的・侮辱的な意味を込めていると受け取られます。


However, if you check the chronology of the usage of this word, you will find that the former leader of the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-Shek, (setting aside the basis and appropriateness of what he asserted) criticized the Japanese custom of calling China Shina or Chinese people Shina-jin as discriminatory from before World War II. After losing the war, partly because of Japanese government policy these words almost completely fell out of use. And therefore, when people now go out of their way to use the word Shina, it is generally interpreted to be discriminatory or demeaning.


もし、差別的・侮辱的な意図で「支那」という単語をどうしても使いたいのであれば、私は決して良い事だとは思いませんが、「表現の自由」の範囲内だと思うので、止めろとは言いません。しかし、ただ単に日本の中国地方と区別したい、あるいは彼らの「中華思想」に反発を覚えるから「中国」という単語の使用を避けたい場合は、無意味な論争を避けるために「チャイナ」や「PRC(=People's Republic ofChina)」という言葉を使ってみてはいかがでしょうか。

If someone intentionally wants to use the word Shina for discriminatory or demeaning purposes, I dont think its very appropriate, but it is within the scope of freedom of speech, so I wouldnt try to stop them. If, on the other hand, someone uses the term to differentiate China from the Chuugoku region of Japan, or if someone uses it to avoid using the word Chuugoku as a form of protest against Sinocentrism, I would like to suggest that in order to avoid unnecessary controversy and misunderstanding such people use either the word China in katakana [チャイナ] or PRC [Peoples Republic of China].


私は今後必要に応じて そうすることを考えています。

Im considering doing that when necessary in the future.
