Part 1 : http://ameblo.jp/workingkent/entry-11882835438.html


 On the other hand, the taxes on continued ownership such as property taxes are much higher in the U.S. than in Japan. I once bought a piece of land on a lake in a resort area in the suburbs of Houston, Texas for about $10,000. The only extra expense was a small recording fee. By the way, real estate commissions in the U.S. are paid entirely by the seller.



 When I bought the property, the economy in Texas, which is based on the oil industry, was booming. However, shortly after that the price of oil dropped, the economy suffered, and real estate prices fell dramatically. When the value of my property fell below $3,000, the property taxes were $300 per year and the annual homeowner association fees were $384.In other words, if I held the property for five more years, I would pay out more in expenses that the total value of the property. Since I didn’t actually plan to use the property, I finally dumped it for $1,500 (which was the minimum amount of the real estate commission).


 By contrast, Japanese property taxes are relatively low, so there is no need for an older couple to sell their large home. In fact, if they were to sell it, they would be hit with various high taxes and fees on the transfer. The buyer likewise would face high taxes and fees, so it is actually quite hard to find buyers for large homes even if the owner wants to sell.



 In residential areas like Meguro or Setagaya, most of the large properties put up for sale are bought by real estate companies. Generally, the house is torn down and the property is subdivided for sale, or else a condominium is constructed on the site. It is highly unusual to see the original house remodeled and then resold.


 Many of you may be thinking that if the older couple sells the home, they will have nothing to leave to their children. That is correct. However, since U.S. society emphasizes individualism, most parents don’t put a high priority on leaving real estate to their children. Children can earn their own money, buy their own real estate, and use up the assets during their lifetime.



 This kind of life cycle is made possible because the real estate market has high liquidity. There is little emotional attachment to the land such as that seen in Japan where the same property has been in the family for several generations. After all, aside from native Americans, all Americans are descendants of immigrants.

-- ケント・ギルバート公式メルマガ登録 --