Miura Haruma just came out with his 2nd photobook called [Letters] last 12th of October. Here's some news I found on him and the press release of the book.

俳優の三浦春馬 が12日(日)、都内書店で2nd写真集『Letters』の発売記念握手会を開催した。同写真集で念願のオーストラリアを旅したという三浦は“世界の中心”といわれるエアーズロックの壮大さに感動したそうで「7回ぐらい叫んじゃいました」。高校生活最後の経験に「すごくいい夏休みでした」と撮影を振り返った。

 この日の前日よりスタートしたドラマ『ブラッディ・マンディ』(TBS系 毎週(土)後7:56~)で連続ドラマ初主演を果たすなど、現在、人気急上昇中の若手俳優だけに握手会には4500人が殺到する人気ぶりとなった。


2nd写真集握手会を行った三浦春馬 写真集『Letters』を手にする三浦 

三浦春馬  三浦春馬 


ラブラブ!三浦春馬は かっこい!!だいすきだいよ~ラブラブニコニコ According to the article, this is Miura Haruma's 2nd Photobook eversince he started out as an artist and also there were 4,500 fans who came for the press release!! It seems like he's been getting good reviews and also gaining popularity among fans. I'm one of his big fans too. I fell in love at first sight with him when I saw him act in Binbo Danshi then I saw him on Gokusen 3 and he was awesome!!ラブラブ! It can be grab for the price of 2,200 yen or around 77.oo Malaysian ringgit, not including tax yet though. Also, don't forget to catch him on TBS for ブラッデイーマンデイ.

Anyway, I heard he's also got a 2009 calendar to be released soon. Maybe around end of October or early November for Miura Haruma fans, don't forget to get it as your must-have collection!

News & photo source : Oricon Style

