~狭霧台~ | ゆふいん月燈庵~スタッフブログ~



ただいま、フロント横のお食事処を改修工事中でございます。工事期間は4月25日頃までの予定でございます。作業時間は午前9時から夕方6時とさせて頂いております。この改修が終わりますと、すべてのお客様に個室にてお食事をお楽しみ頂ける様になります。工事音や景観の面でご迷惑おかけいたしますが、なにとぞご容赦くださいませ。尚、お部屋にご滞在中は工事音でご心配御掛けすることはございません。        ゆふいん月燈庵 支配人 池邉 秀樹


Now we can feel the breath of spring. How are you getting along?
A few days ago, when I go to 別府(Beppu) from 由布院(Yufuin), I found a wonderful view at 狭霧台.
So today , I will introduce 狭霧台(Sagiridai). It has a very nice view spot in Yufuin city. The altitude of it is 680 meters. You can enjoy a fantastic morning mist from it. And also you can see the red sky glow in the morning and sunset.
If you have a chance to Yufuin, please try to go there.
We have something to tell our guests.
Sorry, there being a renovation at main building now.
The schedule is until 25th of April. Working time is from 9 am to 6 pm every day. After construction in the main building, every guests can enjoy dinner and breakfast in a private room at the new restaurant. We apologize for the in convenience in terms of noise and landscape. In your room, there is no noise of it. Thank you for your understanding.
Yufuin Gettouan Manager: Hideki Ikebe