From the U.S. 13th day | iven works

iven works


How Are - every one.

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If they want to go to somewhere,they always use cars.

Only cars. They don`t want to walk a lot.

And There are littler cycles than Japan. They use cycles to move around home.

But My host famiry`s bikes are all broken....

I want to ride ....

BlackCat Zizi>

Please send me e-mail in 11 or 12 if you want to send.

I must spend to airplane for 9 hours from L.A to Narita.

Maybe I can`t receive your mail in 13 to 14 in Japanese time.

If you send me e-mail now, Please send to this address.



I didn`t watch it....

Which is it a bicycle or motorcycle?

I think it is "free style BMX".

My host brother was riding motorcycle in X-game "Free style Jump".

But he was died by traffic accident in 2002.

( There are many brothers in this family. I heard that my host mother had 4 children.)

Today is important day.

My host father retired.

And he sold his shop to other company.

Good-bye lub shop.

Today is the last of that shop.

I helped to clean to the shop.

And there were many stuffs which must take out there

I went to their ranch to put them.

There was a rabbit there.

I played a game today.

It was "Counter-Strike".

If you live near my Japanese house,you know that there is a gamecenter about it in Kamata.

That was fun.

And we went to Chinese restaurant to eat dinner.

The restaurant is run by Chinese.

It was very good.