I CAN'T... | 蒼い薔薇のブログ


“ストレス溜めるなら金貯めろ” 二宮母


I cant study even my homework due is tomorrow... OMG

I dont know what i will be and who will be with me in the future

but i shouldnt care about those right now, i guess.

it is my bad habbit to think too much!

i supposed to be studying ...lol

ok, then

Im gonna study.

even i just broke up with my bf, even i dont wanna study(lol), even this is not what i wanna do really.

We stil have to keep moving forward.... We are so sad creatures but we still have so much potential for our future and doing anything.


English is so annoying sometimes to read (lol)べーっだ!宇宙人