
Today I want to talk about some base make up I like to use for my everyday make up.
Here is two products I like from Guerlain.


紅色= 增加健康的光澤
黃色= 遮瑕/黑眼圈
綠色= 遮暗瘡紅腫
紫色= 亮白效果
神奇的是, 這些粉珠的顏色好像到很清楚自己的目的
所以不會做成反效果 (如暗瘡紅腫被紅色顯得更紅腫)
粉珠還帶SHIMMER, 用後皮膚出現輕微的光澤

一個不知道, 定妝是會有粉珠從掃彈出!
再加上我發現我ANNA SUI的化妝掃很難拾起碎粉

但妝後效果很自然. 非常適合高貴亮麗的彩妝.

This is Meteorites Perles 01, Teint Rose. 
This is one of my favorite powder for setting my foundation. I use this often with my regual everyday make up. The Guerlain Meteorites series is a blend of shimmering powder pearls in several colors. Each color is responsible for balancing skin tone and improving skin radiance. Here is what the pearls are responsible for:
red: give skin a healthy glow by balancing out the grey tone in skin (cool color)
green: concealing redness from break outs
yellow: concealer effect, especially great for dark circles
purple and white: brightening effect.
All the pearls are slightly shimmery and give a healthy glow to skin.

The weakness of this powder is that it is too troublesome to apply. I need to shake the case vigorously so that I will have enough loose powder to apply. And those pearls can stuck into your brush without u knowing until it flies out when you are applying the powder. Another point is that I find my Anna Sui powder brush can not pick up the powder easily (note: I love my Anna Sui brush. It is a great brush!). In the end I need to get that brush that is designed for the Meteorites series for best results.

Regardless of the trouble I ran into for application. I really like the result. It is not "cake-y" like most setting powder I have tried (especially those from Asian brands). It makes my face look less fatigue and healthy. Not to forget to mention that typical Guerlain scent on their make up, so glamourous, I recommend this  powder if you like your makeup look cute and sophisticated.


VOYAGE的只有01, 一個色調
但看SIZE, 應該會很快用完的樣子~

Meteorites Voyage.
I can't resist temptation and got myself a compact version.
the voyage only comes in one color, 01 rose teint. It does not have any trouble in picking up loose powder or flying pearls, but seeing from the size of it seems like it will be used up pretty soon. However, the powder pack and be refilled with a new one. Both the case and the refill can be sold separately in Guerlain.


除了平時心愛的韓國BB CREAM之外
因為它不像一般BB CREAM等底妝用品,
只最求妝後效果, 毫不顧及皮膚健康.
在我對粉底/化妝品的經驗, 我發現很多非常重視遮瑕效果

BB CREAM和粉底, 和色澤烈艷的化妝品對皮膚傷害很大.
因為色素太強, 結果清
容易做得不好, 便會連皮膚色素沉澱,
再說, 當你應為自己的清潔做得很好的同時,
因為想著"我卸妝做得很好, 不
緊要" 而用那些化妝品.

When it comes to foundation, other than those Korean brand bb cream I like, I LOVE Guerlain's Parure Gold series. It is because this foundation actually cares about healthiness of your skin unlike most other foundation that only cares about the look after you have the make up on. With my experience in cosmetics, I find that the more coverage a foundation provide, or the stronger in color pigment, tends to stick to your skin and is rather hard to get rid of completely. These cosmetics are hard to remove completely because of their pigments and often trick one to believe it is all gone when one don't see any color left on skin. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! those pigment residues are stucked in your pores and the deeper layers of your skin. As a result, color pigments will form dark spots on your skin. It will not happen right away since life cycle of your skin is roughly 28 days, and it will take several cycles before the deeper layer becomes the surface layer. So it might take about a year or so for those pigment residues to show up on your skin. What will happen immediately is the formation of black heads and break outs. Moreover, make up removers that can remove (on surface skin layer) those strong make up are harsh on skin, The result can dry up skin or cause skin texture to become rough and dull. Hence speeding up aging of skin.


喜歡PARURE GOLD (SPF 15, PA++), 是因為它能令疲累的倦容變得亮麗
最適合我這種會喝酒, 又慢睡的人.
質地細滑. 而能把倦容一掃而空的秘密是
自5千多年前, 古埃及人已會用茉藥來去腫毒,
還能促進血液循環, 消去倦容.

I like Parure Gold (SPF 15, PA++) because it can remove any trace of fatigue on your face. It is perfect for someone like me who sleeps late and likes to drink. The texture of this foundation is very silky and smooth. and spreads easily. The secret of its anti-fatigue properly is that it contains oil of myrrh. Myrrh is a luxurious item that it has been used by Egyptian queen 5000 years ago as a form of medicine curing inflammation, baterial infections and stimulate blood circulation. The ancient Indian Ayuveda also believes that it has blood cleansing properly.

Therefore this foundation is great because it can help prevent acne and break outs cause by bacterial infections, and sweep away fatigue with the magic of myrrh instead of covering up with a thick layer of make up.


Color 02. Beige Clair


I hope you like this sharing on make up and thoughts on skincare/make up

Thank you for watching!
