10/9 アメリカ大使館&プロップ共催の講演会「講師:ジョン・ウォダッチ氏」の経歴です | ┃ナミねぇのブログ┃





「日米 障害者雇用と権利に関する講演・討論会」


訳文:プロップ・ステーション翻訳担当 池田尚子




John L. Wodatch


Practicing attorney on disability rights issues, specializing in the Americans with Disabilities Act, the civil rights provisions of the Rehabilitation Act, and other Federal disability rights laws, on the Federal accessibility design standards, and on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.



Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justic Deputy Assistant Attorney General
January to July 2011 and January to July 2009
At start of Obama Administration, oversaw the Civil Rights Division’s active enforcement on disability rights issues, including implementation of the Supreme Court’s Olmstead decision so that persons with disabilities may live independently in their local communities, ensuring that the United States signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and issuing comprehensive and updated regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


司法省公民権局 副司法次官補                      



Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice
Section Chief March 1993 to January 2011
As head of the office charged with carrying out the Department of Justice’s obligations under the ADA, maintained an aggressive, vigorous, balanced, effective program enforcing the ADA’s provisions applying to State and local governments (including employment) and to public businesses. In this capacity, achieved favorable action for persons with disabilities in over 3,000 cases and matters affecting people in every state, using formal settlements, informal resolutions of complaints, successful mediations, consent decrees, and court decisions under the ADA. These matters provided injunctive relief and compensatory damages for people with disabilities and set major ADA precedents in a number of important areas, including:

司法省公民権局 障害者権利部門部門長


* Ensuring accessible seating in this country’s sports arenas
* Providing test accommodations on the SAT’s and other standardized exams
* Allowing persons with disabilities to serve as jurors
* Removing barriers in major hotel chains and quick service restaurants
* Making America’s major attractions accessible from the Empire State Building to DisneyWorld
* Making the full gamut of civic services accessible, including town halls, emergency shelters, polling places, city parks, websites, and sign language interpreters in courts
* Making 9-1-1 emergency call systems usable by persons who are deaf and use TTY’s
* Establishing important Supreme Court precedent on the coverage of those who are HIV positive, on unnecessary segregation in large state institutions, on providing reasonable modifications in programs, and on full coverage of all state and local
* government services
* Making interstate buses accessible and providing hand controls for rental cars
* Providing reasonable accommodation and new work opportunities for injured police officers and fire fighters
* Ensuring that children with disabilities are not denied access to child care
* Ensuring that electronic information technology, including websites and e-readers, is accessible.


Created and operated an extensive public outreach and technical assistance program, providing the public with practical information on how to comply with the ADA in a cost-effective manner, through the development of guides and pamphlets, a grant program, extensive public speaking and training, an ADA website, and a telephone information service
Pioneered the use of mediation to resolve ADA cases and investigations, resulting in over 2800 individual mediated settlements
Developed comprehensive regulations for State and local governments and over seven million businesses, including the new ADA Standards for Accessible Design
Championed innovative personnel policies to create a positive work environment for employees, including extensive use of alternative work schedules, having employees work part-time at home, and providing a full range of reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities
Established Federal program for the certification of State accessibility codes and certified the codes of five State codes as meeting the ADA’s accessibility requirements
Represented the Department of Justice on the U.S delegation to the United Nations, playing an active role in the development of the Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities and helped ensure signing of the treaty by the United States

州政府、地方自治体、及び700万以上の企業に、改正されたADA Standards for Accessible Design(ADA法バリアフリー設計基準) をはじめとする包括的法規の改革。
各州で定められているバリアフリー規約の認証を目的とした連邦政府プログラムの確立、及び  ADA法の定めるバリアフリー設計必要条件を満たす5カ条の州規約の法体系の認証。

Office on the Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice Director October 1990 to March 1993
In office established by Attorney General Dick Thornburgh, oversaw the development of the Department of Justice’s regulations implementing titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the publication of the Department’s statutorily required Technical Assistance Manuals. Created the Department’s technical assistance and public outreach program and assembled the Division’s ADA enforcement staff.

司法省公民権局 ADA法事務局事務局長  

 Dick Thornburgh司法長官により設立された事務局にて、ADA法第2章及び第3章実施における司法省の規制作成の監視、及び司法省の法的に義務付けられた技術支援マニュアルの公表の監視。司法省技術支援、及び社会的支援計画の作成、また公民権局ADA法執行職員の招集。

Coordination and Review Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice
Deputy Section Chief December 1980 to October 1990
Implemented a new Presidential initiative under Executive Order 12250 to coordinate civil rights enforcement in the Executive Branch, ensuring that over 100 federal agencies issued regulations making their programs accessible to persons with disabilities. In 1989 and 1990 was chief technical expert and advisor to the Attorney General on the development of the Americans with Disabilities Act and played a key role in the passage of the ADA, working for the Domestic Policy Counsel on the legislation and serving as a member of President Bush’s negotiating team.

司法省公民権局 調整監視部門副部門長                      1980年12月~1990年10月

Office for Civil Rights, Education Department and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Director of Office of New Programs and Branch Chief July 1975 to December 1980
Authored the Department’s regulation implementing section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, establishing new comprehensive federal civil rights policies for persons with disabilities that for the first time enunciated important disability rights nondiscrimination principles, including reasonable accommodation in employment, integration in programs and services, and the removal of architectural barriers in facilities. Created the first nationwide technical assistance program for disability rights, and established a nationwide complaint program that for the first time addressed and resolved complaints from persons with disabilities. Enforced Department’s title IX policies prohibiting sex discrimination in college athletics.

教育省・保健教育福祉省公民権局 新規計画局長・支部長               


Office of the General Counsel, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Attorney
July 1969 to July 1975
Handled cases concerning school desegregation under title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in administrative enforcement actions, sex discrimination in college hiring and race discrimination in Philadelphia trade unions under Executive Order 11246, racial discrimination in the provision of health care, and discrimination based on national origin in the U.S. welfare system.

保健教育福祉省 法律顧問室弁護士                          1969年7月~1975年7月


* Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., 1969
* John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, M.P.A., 1980
* Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, B.A., 1966


◇1969年 ジョージタウン大学ロー・スクール 法学博士
◇1980年 ハーバード・ケネディスクール 行政学修士
◇1966年 トリニティ・カレッジ 学士


* Member of the Bar of the District of Columbia
* At the Department of Justice, recipient of John Marshall Award in 1990, the Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in 1995, and the Presidential Distinguished Rank Award for exceptional achievement in 2010
* Received ADA Lifetime Achievement Award from ADA National Network of Technical Assistance Centers in 2011
* Received Edward M. Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award from Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund in 2012
* Frequent speaker on the ADA and disability rights issues
* Interests include Shakespeare, attending theater, singing in a choral group, reading fiction, modern and Renaissance art, and D.C. area sports teams


◇司法省にて、1990年にJohn Marshall 賞、1995年に功績に対して司法長官賞を、また2010年に特別業績に対してPresidential Distinguished Rank Awardを受賞
◇2011年にADA技術支援センター全国ネットワークより、ADA Lifetime Achievement賞を受賞
◇2012年に障害者権利教育・掩護基金よりEdward M. Kennedy Lifetime Achievementを受賞




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