「けったいな子ぉ」が日本を救う | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。






・1人当たりGDP(国内総生産): 2021年の1人当たりGDP(市場為替レートによるドル表示)において、日本は4万0704ドルで、世界第24位です。10年前と比べてさえ、順位が大きゅう下がってまいました。アメリカやシンガポールの約6割、ルクセンブルクの約3割にすぎまへん。
・経済成長率: 2000年から2023年の間に、米国も韓国も台湾も、1人当たりGDPが増加してますけど、日本は増加してまへん。米国が順調に成長したのに日本が成長せーへんかった結果、2022年においては、日本の1人当たりGDPは米国の約半分の水準にまやんぼくれてまいました。







The "Good, Bad, and Beautiful Child" will save Japan.

 What did Japan do during its "lost 30 years"? Japan's international standing has been declining dramatically, and yet Japan has done nothing about it. If nothing is done, the "lost 30 years" will continue.
・GDP per capita: In 2021, Japan's GDP per capita (in US dollars at market exchange rates) was $40,704, ranking 24th in the world. It is only about 60% of the U.S. and Singapore and about 30% of Luxembourg.
・Economic growth: Between 2000 and 2023, GDP per capita increased in the U.S., South Korea, and Taiwan, but not in Japan. As a result of Japan's lack of growth while the U.S. grew steadily, Japan's GDP per capita will be about half the level of the U.S. in 2022.
 There are many reasons for this, but as someone who works in the education field, I can't help but think that the "distorted school system" is to blame. Japanese schools have made the slogan of "equality for all" to suit the least able a national policy.

 Japanese schools have the slogan, "No one can fail! and any deviation from this slogan is thoroughly denounced. As a result, Japanese people have turned "not being offended" into their greatest motivation for work.
 I was once a teacher at Logan Junior High School in Utah, USA. The teaching policy was the exact opposite of that in Japan.
Just try something different!
 That is the common understanding. It is no coincidence that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were born.

 Schools still enforce uniforms. A system that was established hundreds of years ago has abandoned judgment of right and wrong, and rules are rules. When the occasional rebellious student appears, they are thoroughly beaten and brainwashed into a totalitarianism that is based on what others think of them.

 They are afraid of the risk of changing something and do not want to be held accountable, so they cannot move forward in any way. Too many people think that dissent must be suppressed. Rather than sticking to my own point of view, they believe that the argument, "You have to put up with it for the sake of others," is a beautiful story.

 Because they are susceptible to the arguments of those in positions of authority, they blindly follow their erroneous judgments. They must have seen the pain of the "Imperial Headquarters Announcement" of World War II. Japan is a country that cannot reform itself without pressure from foreign countries such as the "black ships" and "defeat in war.

 Match the level of leadership to the lowest level.
Save the dropouts! to "Save the dropouts!
 Japan will not survive unless we change our slogan from "Save the dropouts!

1. Abolish school uniforms. 
2. Abolish all black school rules.
3. Abolish club activities.
 Thirty years have passed without even these minor changes. This is not the Edo period, and it is time to stop cultural isolation. It is time for civilization to be opened up once more.

京大医学部医学科4名(2022, 2016, 2014, 2013)


名大医学部医学科2名(2018, 2013)

慶応医学部医学科2名(2019, 2018)



 名古屋大学卒業後、アメリカユタ州で中学校教師をした後、帰国。英検1級、通訳ガイドの国家試験、国連英検A級、ビジネス英検A級などに合格。京大二次試験を7回受けて出題傾向を調査。英語81%、数学70%の正解率。少林寺拳法二段。ジャッキー・チェンの前でヌンチャクを披露したことが自慢。「私の京大合格作戦」(エール出版)2020年度版から2022年度版に漫画化されて掲載。チャットワークを用いた質問無制限の通信添削を全国の難関校受験生対象に募集中。「高木教育センター」検索。桑名市で指導中。I always do my best. 指導を希望される方は、HPをご覧ください。