「京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(185) | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。
















 There are those who claim that Japan is a democracy, but I have never thought of Japan as a democracy. They say that Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong-un of North Korea are dictators, but what is the difference between them and Prime Minister Kishida of Japan?

 Japan has been an "LDP dictatorship" ever since I can remember. It still is. I don't remember that we elected Kishida as our leader. He was chosen only by the Nisei and Sansei Diet members.

Some people sleepwalk and say, "Politics is one thing, but business is private and free."

 But what is the difference between Russian oligarchs, Chinese and North Korean state-owned enterprises and Japanese big companies?

 If they want to get into Olympic uniform sales, they have to bribe the Don heavily. Benesse always wins the bid for prep schools, too. Benesse is the only company that can get into the "common test" and the speaking test for metropolitan high schools. It seems that the Ministry of Education and the Board of Education are getting paid behind the scenes.

 Please tell me what "democratic" elements there are in this country.高木繁美
