2015年度、京都大学英作文 | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。









                                                                  トキ=Toki(or Japanese crested ibis)




AI(人工知能)DeepL による翻訳 キミはAIを超えられるか?


(1) Hanako: Did you see yesterday's evening paper? It said that the endangered crested ibis 

                    chicks have hatched.
      Taro    : It must have been very difficult for the breeders.
       Hanako : But these chicks were born from crested ibises that were returned to the wild.
     Taro     : An environment where crested ibis can live comfortably, where there is clean

                   water and air, and where they are not chased around because they are rare birds,

                   may be a comfortable place for us humans as well.
                                                                  Toki = Toki (or Japanese crested ibis)
 It seems that there are many languages in the world that do not have letters. For those of us who live surrounded by letters every day, we tend to think that it must be very inconvenient. However, whether there are letters or not, the basic function of language remains the same. It would be foolish to think that a language with letters is superior to a language without.


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