international 海外の皆様へ | [和食絵巻]アメブロ版


帰国ミセスが着物に割烹着で 寿司&もちエンタメ発信@群馬~東京~海外
"SUSHI & MOCHI ROLLS 101" Cool Japan Entertainment by Mrs. Mami Roll in Kimono@Japan&Overseas

Sushi Roll Lesson for people from abroad is available!


①カルチャーセンター ②プライベートレッスン ③資格認定講座 ④キッズ/親子企画 ⑤出張講師/イベント ⑥企業ご企画/デモ ⑦取材ご依頼/メディア ⑧外国人の方/海外




Do you know designed sushi rolls, such as flowers, animals, and Chinese characters? A licensed sushi roll instructor will teach you how to make various kinds of sushi rolls. It will be special experience for tourists, exchange students, host families, sushi fans, chefs and international associations. I hope you enjoy to roll, see and taste of the Cool Japan! 

We prepare knife, bamboo mat, towel, and to-go box. Please bring just your apron and camera.
The lesson fees are payable on the day of lesson.
Location is Takasaki or Maebashi-city Gunma prif.(Please ask for Tokyo and abroad).

Private lesson/Group event for Fan
*2rolls 2hours 1person 4,000yen 
*the lesson fee cost includes: recipe, supply and food cost
*a minimum of 2 for private and a maximum of 20 for group
*instructor’s demonstration
*how to make sushi rice
*how to use a knife and a bamboo mat
*how to handle each sushi ingredient for sushi preparation
*actual sushimaking
*sushi tasting or to-go box
Certificate class for JSIA 3rd grade
*3rolls 3hours 1person 17,000yen+tax 
*the lesson fee cost includes: text book, certification, supply and food cost
*a minimum of 1 for private and a maximum of 6
*English textbook is available
*the certificate of JSIA art roll 3rd grade will be issued! 
*JSIA-Japan Sushi Instructors Association
contact us click mail form!

・「はじめての飾り巻き寿司教室」 巻 真美