◆ウルグアイ大統領のリオ+20でのスピーチ~「真の環境問題」とは | 吉岡正晴のソウル・サーチン


ソウルを日々サーチンしている人のために~Daily since 2002

◆ ウルグアイ大統領のリオ+20でのスピーチ「真の環境問題」とは

【Uruguay President Speech At Rio+20 】










2012年6月20日から22日にかけて「リオ+20」という地球についての国際会議がブラジルのリオで行なわれた。これは元々1992年、同地で行われた「環境と開発に関する国際連合会議(United Nations Conference on Environment and Development=UNCED)」の20年後に行なわれたもので今回は、「国連持続可能な開発会議(リオ+20)(United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20))」と題され行なわれたもの。1992年以降、「リオ+5」(1992年から5年後の1997年開催)、「リオ+10」(10年後の2002年開催)なども行なわれた。一般的には「地球サミット」と呼ばれているそうだ。




ムヒカ大統領のリオ会議スピーチ全文: (訳:打村明)(原語はスペイン語)




しかし、頭の中にある厳しい疑問を声に出させてください。午後からずっと話されていたことは持続可能な発展と世界の貧困をなくすことでした。私たちの本音は何なのでしょうか? 現在の裕福な国々の生産と消費モデルを真似することでしょうか?


息をするための酸素はどれくらい残るのでしょうか。同じ質問を別の言い方ですると、西洋の富裕社会が持つ同じ傲慢な消費を世界の70億~80億人の人ができるほどの原料・資源がこの地球にあるのでしょうか? まかなうことは可能ですか? これについて議論をしなければなりません。



私たちはグローバリゼーションをうまくコントロールしていますか? ひょっとしてグローバリゼーションが私たちをコントロールしているのではないでしょうか?

このような残酷な競争で成り立つ消費主義社会で「みんなの世界を良くしていこう」というような共存共栄な議論はできるのでしょうか? どこまでが仲間でどこからがライバルなのですか?




このハイパー消費を続けるためには商品の寿命を縮め、できるだけ多く売らなければなりません。つまり、10万時間持つ電球を作れるのに、1000時間しか持たない電球しか売ってはいけない社会にいるのです! そんな長く持つ電球はマーケットに良くないので作ってはいけないのです。人がもっと働くため、もっと売るために「使い捨ての社会」を続けなければならないのです。悪循環の中にいるのにお気づきでしょうか。これはまぎれもなく政治問題であり、私たち首脳はこの問題を別の解決の道に世界を導かなければなりません。








働き者の我が友人たちはかつて8時間働いていました。しかし今では6時間しか働きません。しかし6時間労働の人は、その後もう一つの仕事をしなければなりません。その結果、以前よりも長く働くことになってしまいました。なぜか? バイク、車、などのローンを支払わないといけないからです。毎月2倍働き、ローンを払っていったら、いつの間にか私のような老人になっているのです。私と同じく、幸福な人生が目の前を一瞬で過ぎてしまいます。

そして自分にこんな質問を投げかけます。これが人類の運命なのか? 私の言っていることはとてもシンプルなものですよ。発展は幸福の対抗にあってはいけないのです。(発展とは幸福の表面をすり抜けていってはいけないのです) 発展とは人類に本当の幸福をもたらさなければならないのです。愛、人間関係、子供の世話、友達を持つこと、必要最低限のものを持つこと。発展の結果としてそうしたものがついてこなければなりません。







下記に英文。English text is follows:

Brutal honesty of President of Uruguay Mr. Jose Mujic surprising Rio +20 summit speech

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cQgONgTupo


United Nations. As all speakers I think have spoken before me have said, they as well have expressed their willingness as governments to assist all of these agreements that we subscribe to. But having said that, I think we need to do some thinking out loud and ask ourselves some questions.

All afternoon we've been talking about sustainable development. And we've been talking about bringing huge numbers of people, huge amounts of people out of poverty. So what are we thinking about in all of this? Patterns of production and consumption that we have at the moment are those of the rich societies. Now, what would happen to this planet, I ask myself if the Hindus, were to have the same number of cars per family as the Germans do? How much oxygen would be left to breathe? The world has today the material elements that it needs for people to -- does it have the resources to be able to spend as much resources as the rich societies spend and use or not? We need to have a discussion about this.

Our civilisation has to do with competition and the market. Material an expressive process but the market has produced market societies. Explosive. And it's led to this global globalisation. Which now gives us a planetary wide view of events. But are we governing globalisation or is it governing us? Can we talk about solidarity and that we're all pulling in the same direction when you have economies based on unfair competition? Is that really all about fraternity?

Now, I'm not saying any of that to deny the importance of this event, don't get wrong. On the contrary. The challenge that we have before us is so huge, so encloses colossal. The great process is political. Man does not govern, is not master of the forces they have -- man has released. It's the other way around. Those forces are governing man and life because we didn't come to the palnet to develop ourselves in general terms.

We came in -- we were given life to be happy because life is transitory. It's very short. Life is what is fundamental. But, if I -- if life is going to run away from me, if all I'm doing is working to buy things to get more if society of consumption is the energy of everything, where does this go? If consumption is stopped or reduced, then the economy slows down and if the economy slows down, then there's stagnation.

But consumption is the very thing that is consuming the planet. And people want to sell more and more. An electric light bulb can't last more than a thousand hours. Some of them. But there are -- we could have lights that could last for longer but they would cost so much we couldn't afford them. And so we're in this vicious circle of the throwaway society.

These are political issues. We need to start to fight for another kind of culture. We don't want to go back to a caveman existence we need to be governed by the market. We need to govern the market itself. That's where I say the problem is really a political problem. And in my humble opinion, I would say that the thinkers of old, I'd be curious, Seneca said that a poor person is not someone who doesn't have very much, but the person who really is poor is the person that continues to need more and more and more and desires more and more and more. So it's a cultural concept.

So I salute the efforts that have been made here and the agreements that have been concluded . Some may not be popular but we have to be aware of these issues. The water crisis for example. Degradation of the environment. These aren't causes, the cause is our model of civilisation that we ourselves have set up and what we have to revise is our own way of living:

My country has three million inhabitants, little more, 3,200,000. But we have some of the best cattle herds in the world and sheep herds. The best in the world. My country exports meat and milk. Milk products. Almost 80% of Uruguay has land that can be used for farming.

My brother farmers were formerly working 8 hours, now they only work 6 hours. But they -- then they have to have two jobs so they end up working more than before because they have to pay for all of the things that they've bought, the cars, and other objects. It's like rheumatism that's taking over the body and taking away the life. Is that -- Is this the destiny of human life?

Development cannot fly in the face of happiness, it should promote human happiness, love, human relations, relationships between parents and children, friends. Life is the most important treasure we have and when we fight for environment, the first element of the environment is human happiness. That's what it's called. Thank you"



ESSAY>SPEECH>President Uruguay