What is election terrorism? | 進化会

What is election terrorism?

Votes of opposition candidate ー Stolen votes
→ Votes of recommendation candidate + Stolen votes
The depraved power are increased votes of recommended candidates and elected. The depraved power advertise the election terrorism. When summarizing;
1.The recommendation candidate is elected by the election, and the opposition candidate is defeated.
2.Opposition candidate's room, communication, and computer are observed, and information is stolen.
3.The strategy of the election leak.
4.The list of names of the supporter memorized to the computer is stolen.
5.Many do the slander of the type of 100 or more, and the voter is cheated.
6.The opposition candidate votes are decreased and it add to the recommendation candidate's votes.
7.They invade the system that total the votes of the election and the votes are falsified.
8 They force vote on recommendation candidates They attack voters not to follow.
The depraved power advertise ” A lot of spies are sent for the country that totals the vote by the hand work, and the recommendation candidate's vote is increased and elected. If it is a country that totals it with the computer, it is easier. Terrorists can move one million votes from the recommendation candidates. The technology of the election terrorism is developed with Komazawa Valley, experimented, and trained. The terrorists invade the vote total systems or voting systems from Komazawa Valley, and is moving the votes. ” 

 Let's send engineers who work in Japan to the Komazawa Valley to collect depraved technology(arms) with wideband receiver, wave catcher system and others ! New influenza is taught to the engineer in detail. There are vaccine and specific medicine in Komazawa Valley.
Komazawa Valley vs. Silicon Valley:
 It is necessary to investigate in the Komazawa Valley, and to collect the depraved technology if anyone hope to stop terrorism.