TSL・トレイシーインタ 前編 | siennaのブログ 〜羽生君応援ブログ〜

siennaのブログ 〜羽生君応援ブログ〜




D: You coach amazing Yuzuru Hanyu. We don’t see many English speaking interviews with him. so what is he like on and off the ice and as the student?


T: He’s very much a student of the sport, as much as he’s accomplished he’s got humility, he still wants to learn. He’s young and fun and giggly like he will laugh easily and he celebrates other skaters. He will cheer them on, he’s the first one to cheer on one of the skaters. He’ll be out there in the stroking classes, he’ll push himself to the limit, he will get up and back off the ice, bow to the ice, thank it, touch it, shows respect to the other skaters.


So there was a skater once, a few years back, who got in his way, I think the skater had his music on and Yuzuru and him…and he had to stop and the skater just sort of wawawawa. And we went up to him and said, you know, “No, that doesn’t’ cut it”. But the funny thing was Yuzu was the first one to apologize. You know Yuzu was the first one overbowing and said “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” and it was a younger skater, so it was such a lesson to different skaters from the different countries.


We’ve got Javi and Yuzu, who work together, are such gentlemen, and are so good to the other skaters and they really set a standard. It’s quite heart-warming and it’s empowering for everybody b/c it’s certainly not dog-eat-dog, I mean they will watch each other and study each other and you know, Yuzu gets on the ice and he’s just quick twitch and go! He’ll skate around the ice and all of a sudden, bum! 3A and Javi is going “uhhh, OK, good morning” or whatever, right? He’s brilliant that way and and it ? to lift everbody to what’s possible.


J. He’s really taken his skating to the next level this season. He’s just been phenomenal. And one of the things that Dave and I have noticed, it seems like sometimes his lines don’t extend, he has almost like a clubfoot. And we don’t know, is it his EDEA skates or is it situations where he needs to point his toe more. Have you addressed that at all in his training?

J: 彼のスケートは本当に今シーズン一段ステップアップしましたね。驚異的でした。デイブと私が気になった事の一つが、時々、彼のラインが伸びきっていない事なんです。内反足気味にみえてしまう。これはEDEAの靴のせいなのか、それとも、もっとトゥポイントに気をつけた方がいいのか。トレーニングでこの点に取り組んだりはしていますか?

T: Totally, totally. And he is a beautiful skater and he has beautiful lines and beautiful edgework. I think the issue becomes more with what he tries to take on in his program. If you ask Yuzu to ? to make one quad and the two 3A’s and other triple jumps you would start to see more lines. It’s so exhausting physically, emotionally and mentally to think of all those things. You almost need a place for the body to relax and what you hope for is to build that line in by the time the World Championships come. Because it is definitely there and he’s more than capable it’s been able to add all of that in with the jumps and what you see him do is relax his body in between quite often because the second half is coming, that means another quad and then the two triple axels.


J. We’ve seen couple of changes this season, one of which is he used to miss easy triples, I mean the short program wasn’t ?? with him but with Lutz you could never rely that he was going to actually land it. And it seems like that’s better this season. And also we see that at the end of his programs he doesn’t seem as winded. In the past it was like he’s gonna nearly pass out at the end of the program. So how have you addressed those two aspects of his training this season?


T. Well, it’s for me, it’s about quality in your training. So you know what perfect practice makes. So when you watch your skaters warm up even when they get on the ice and stroke it’s mindless. Trararahh. And it’s like what’re you doing? “He?” “What are you doing there? Like what are the reasons of that exercise, what is the point of that?” Other than just warming up your body which you did off ice what is the point of that. Well, the point of that is your feet coming in together, you squeeze the inner thighs you lift the body you feel the rib cage you feel the core support it. This is where you do your mindful work. Because you don’t have time to do that in the program, you got all the jumping. So you’d better built it out of the program.


And then when you go to warm up your triples you are not just warming up triple jumps and ? a little bit. Where’s your free leg, where’s your head, what’s that body position going in and the stroking, so it’s really becoming aware of the detail in your training and then you fit it into your program.


Because you do see it all the time right? You’re going to a practice rink and the skaters are like doing their business, heads down and all of a sudden they go and try to compete and they lift their head up. Well, that’s a whole different thing. And all of a sudden, the patterns are different in the long program then how they are warming them up. So things are along those lines.


You don’t have to tell Yuzu much in terms of what he needs to do. He often more come to you in many ways. So after Skate Canada he wasn’t comfortable with his 3l-3T and the quad after the half way and you know he basically said I’m comfortable with my long program I had a good experience with the two quads off the top and that’s what I’d like to try. And it’s like “Are you kidding me? Okay” and here it goes so he’s very aware of himself.



