【アプリ】大人気の「うたかたのそら」が海外版が登場!大幅セール115円 | 『iPhone』オススメ情報-.JP-



UTAKATA: The Ephemeral Sky
UTAKATA: The Ephemeral Sky - althi Inc.



"Do you know the deference between Mysterious disappearance and Missing?"

One snowy day------
In a small town in the mountains, four children went missing.
The next day, only one of four that have been found drowned in a reservoir.
Without finding the three bodies still remaining, month fell through.

Six years after the incident.

The main character, Ayumi Nishina uses his summer break from high school to take a bike trip out to this rural town, which he had an accident on his way.
Because of this accident he somehow managed to open the door to the afterworld.

The traditions remain from a long time ago in this area, cursed lineage, bell sounds.
Between "Life" and "Afterworld", what do you see......

UTAKATA: The Ephemeral Sky (Lite) - althi Inc.無料版はこちら

うたかたのそら - althi Inc.日本語版はこちら 230円(通常:450円)


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