サロメの唇 パリ公演 詳細決定! | サロメの唇のチーフの行動の!

サロメの唇 パリ公演 詳細決定!







The schedule of "Salome no Kuchibiru"'s first Paris tour has been decided! Our audience will come from Japan too.  I'm looking forward to meet friends in Paris. And I also want to meet friends in countries near France.

Let's sing with us "HEPARAPERA" in Paris! Let us hear your voice!! heparapera〜♪

Paint Your Teeth in Paris # 3


🎸Sunday 8 April – Jardin Villemin

Gig start:  15:30  / Gig end : 17:30

Venue : quai de Valmy – google map : https://goo.gl/maps/UNSWmzKT17H2


🎸Tuesday 10 April – Les Nautes

Venue : 1 Quai des Célestins, 75004 Paris   - Google map : https://goo.gl/maps/aiawAn1obHL2

web: https://lesnautes-paris.com

Contacts : Nicolas LEFEVRE  : 0142745953 / 06 11 28 65 75


 🎸Thursday 12 April – L’International

Gig start:  18:00  / Gig end : 23:59

Venue : 5/7, rue Moret, 75011 Paris  -  google map: https://goo.gl/maps/vAggkYD2p1v

Web: https://www.linternational.fr

Contacts:  Arnaud Guerry :  /


🎸Friday 13 April – Le Doc

Gig start:  19:00  / Gig end : 23:30

Venue: 26 Rue du Dr Potain, 75019 Paris  - google map : https://goo.gl/maps/9jyv3hGtUDE2

Web : http://doc.work/


🎸Saturday 14 April – Sunday 15 April – Japan Party

Venue: Espace Chevreuil - 97 Avenue de la Liberté, 92000 Nanterre

google map : https://goo.gl/maps/oADVyte4x9T2

Web: https://japan-party.com/

Checks, balances: before 9am

Gigs: Saturday : 1pm  / Sunday: 4:30 pm (each cc 30 mns)

Contacts : Brendan Jany (copresident) 06 33 42 38 83

Etienne Barraud (technics)


Salome no Kuchibiru / Heparapera-Bushi