Linda, the problem child | Season of Ghosts Sophia
As much as I love round, squishy animals, I decided Linda needs a diet. I found out her immune system is weak from too much fat, so she needs to diet urgently. So I removed all food from the house and I feed her a small amount twice a day. ハンバーガー

It's difficult to keep her off food, cos she always attacks Vouli's canned food (he's old, so he prefers canned stuff) and the stray kitties food in the yard, but I'll do my best for the sake of her health. My mom spoils Linda to no end, but I hope she will collaborate for once. いちご


リンダは食べるのが好きでブリちゃんのカンフードも攻撃しちゃうし、野良猫の餌も攻撃してる 笑 ブリは年上でカンの肉しか食べてない。リンダは母のあまえんぼうだけど、母も協力してくれないかな?じゃあ、お願いしよう。いちご