The Human Paradox - Studio blog V | Season of Ghosts Sophia
So here we are!
Studio blog 5!

The creation of "The Human Paradox" was long (almost one year) and the procedure was very deep, almost meditative. I slowly discovered many new things about myself, the people surrounding me and suddenly the world around me changed. To the BETTER.


”The Human Paradox”は誕生するまで、一年ぐらいたったし、その手続きは瞑想のように深かった。自分について新しいことを沢山気づいたし、回りの人についても結構沢山気づくようになった。その理由で、間違いなく世界も変わってきた。過去より明るい世界になった、きっと。

Driving to the studio.


Although I recorded vocals mainly in Greece, I decided to do several last minute additions and changes, so all extra stuff was recorded in Italy.


Testing the mic.
。。。マイクテスト 笑

My vocal warmup routine is long and sounds funny to most people, because the exercises are totally unconventional, however I found out that NEROARGENTO secretly pushed the REC button to keep it forever with him にひひ Well, it's an effective warmup, indeed, I don't blame him!

私の歌練習は知らない人にちょっと変で面白くに聴こえるかもしれない。Exerciseは普通じゃなくて、かなり珍しいからNEROARGENTOはこっそりでWarmupを録音しちゃったときいたw まあ、とても効果的なWarmupだから、しょうがないね!w

My outfit for the day.
Nightmare on Elm Street t-shirt is my newly acquired treasure.
I love it! ドクロアップ

Nightmare on Elm Streetというホラー映画のTシャツは私の新しい宝物。

[to be continued...]
