There were various things in LICKER last year.

It gets out from the office indebted for years.

Start the self activity, and with the secession of the drum

Joining of new member and aka.

Really, there were various things.

However, LICKER was a really wonderful band.

The hand was never each other separated even though what kind of thing existed.

It gets along well [te] and even if it is private.

It went to the amusement park by all members.

There was thoroughly last year on the nearly every day.

Existence like family.


I thought that I happily made music for a long time with this member because of the bottom of the mind.

At the same time, it wished that the member become happy from the bottom of the mind.

Therefore, what I say now is not a sad thing at all.

However, a very important thing.

It had worked hard at first of the LICKER formation together, and MASA and Makoto resigned LICKER in this March.

There is a result of a lot of negotiations or saying at such time usually.

However, we cannot talk so much.

It is because because of becoming the more it talks, the more it seems to be said, "Let's be still together, and work hard".

Perhaps, neither MASA nor Makoto return to the [vijuaru] system.

It was noticed that each other did not advance it ahead when was together though it was painful together.

This is a separation to advance.

It is not a sad thing. therefore

Because it becomes happy.

Answer that of each got a lot of worrying.

Absolutely, because all become happy.

Anything has not been seen schedule in April honest yet.

Therefore, it is not possible to say still indescribably.

However, because it comes back absolutely.

Our whereabouts and everyone's important whereabouts
Tunes where an important desire shut oneself up never crush.

Therefore, it returns without fail.

However, anything cannot be said now.

Please wait. Asking. Separation.

There is doing live these five people laughingly as foolish each other though it is such us only four another times.

Four another times. Four important times.

Very, and this four another times.

The same air is breathed in, the stage by these five people is not printed out to the memory, and do not forget, please together.

Please never forget.

All and the member : by all one person.

It loves.