SNL線維芽細胞フィーダーはヒトiPS細胞の樹立と維持を支持する | 再生医療が描く未来 -iPS細胞とES細胞-


西北農林科技大学のHong Chen、ウェイクフォレスト大学のColin E. Bishopらのグループにより、SNLフィーダーはヒトiPS細胞の樹立と維持を支持することを示した論文が発表されました。


J Genet Genomics. 2010 Apr;37(4):241-8.
SNL fibroblast feeder layers support derivation and maintenance of human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Pan C, Hicks A, Guan X, Chen H, Bishop CE.

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells can be derived from human somatic cells by cellular reprogramming. This technology provides a potential source of non-controversial therapeutic cells for tissue repair, drug discovery, and opportunities for studying the molecular basis of human disease. Normally, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) are used as feeder layers in the initial derivation of iPS lines. The purpose of this study was to determine whether SNL fibroblasts can be used to support the growth of human iPS cells reprogrammed from somatic cells using lentiviral expressed reprogramming factors. In our study, iPS cells expressed common pluripotency markers, displayed human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) morphology and unmethylated promoters of NANOG and OCT4. These data demonstrate that SNL feeder cells can support the derivation and maintenance of human iPS cells.