Sportymagsさんより ユヅル・ハニュウ:2017世界選手権:男子練習写真 Part Ⅰ | ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆

ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆




Yuzuru Hanyu: 2017 Worlds: Mens Practice Photos


At Worlds in Helsinki, we got to see 3 of the mens practices in the main rink.  I wish there were more opportunities to watch the mens practices.  Why must the secondary practice rinks they select always have absolutely no seating?  The ISU is about making money so why not select a practice rink with stands so fans can purchase tickets to the secondary rinks as well?  While “the cave” within Hartwell Arena was a very unique location in of itself below the main rink carved into the bedrock, the pairs teams couldn’t even practice there because the roof was too low.  Oh well, don’t worry about what we cannot control.


Even though I was focusing on primarily on Yuzu, I saw the occasional quad landed by Shoma while Yuzu was standing at the boards.  Or, sometimes while I was shooting Yuzu, I saw out of the corner of my viewfinder, Shoma going splat on the ice.  It’s kinda humorous since I knew it was Shoma without seeing the whole jump attempt and I knew the fall meant it was a standard practice for Shoma.  Or, in another instant, I would divert my eyes off of Yuzu for a single second and see a quad lutz landed by Nathan or Boyang.  This is what mens practice is like looking through my eyes.


Through my camera viewfinder I got to see Yuzu this close.  This photo has NOT been cropped, this is the actual photo, and Yuzu is this size in the original photo.  This is what makes taking photos of him so much fun!
Yuzu is stunning!




Let’s get this party started!  First is a cute funny face from Yuzu!



Yuzuru Hanyu, Brian Orser, Pooh



It sure seemed like the mens practices were short at this years Worlds.  A half hour for the SP practice and 40 minutes for the LP practice went by too quickly.  I could have sworn the practices at Boston were longer.



Patrick Chan
Every Worlds, I seem to only get shots of Patrick spinning.  So. here is my annual Patrick spin shot.


And a couple of spins by Yuzu..






Quads, quads, and more quads.  I finally figured out what it was about Kevin’s jumps that looks strange to me.  I have watched him for years but never really put any thought as to why his technique looked so different.  This Worlds, it struck me.  Kevin does not have deep knee bend on his landings!  I never noticed or looked that close before.  When he lands, his lower body is very stiff.  But, whatever helps him get the job done, go for it Kevin!
クワッド、クワッド、クワッド・・・。 私は最終的にケビンのジャンプについて気付いたことがある。それは私にとってちょっと奇妙に見えるのだ。私は彼を何年も見て来た。しかし、彼のテクニックがどうしてこれほど違って見えるのかについては、本当に全くわからなかった。この世界選手権でとうとうわかった。ケビンは着氷時に膝を深く曲げるということがない!私はこれまで全く気が付かなかった。あるいはこんなに近くで見たことがなかったのだ。彼が着氷する時、彼の下半身は非常に硬い。しかし、彼に役立つことなら何でもいい、頑張れ、ケビン!




In practice we got to see Yuzu land one beautiful quad after another beautiful quad. However, some quads just don’t work out the way they are expected to.  Oops, there goes Yuzu.  I love how Yuzu makes falling even look fun.





Ok, here is one for Javi fans.




Part Ⅱへ続く。。。