湘南の空の下で。Under the sky of Shonan | 英会話講師Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガル日記


I love English, movies, plays, music, paintings, books, and food!
I hope I can get to know all kinds of people through these...



A while back, my husband had to go to Shonan for work, and this time, I was able to go with him.


I think it had been more than 10 years since I last went to the beach. It was so nice!


☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-sky above shonan



But now I realized that I went to a beach when I went to Hawaii last year. But at that time I was just on the beach and I didn't actually touch the water.

This time, the photographer found the perfect spot to do the shoot, and we had to walk through a shallow water so I went into the water with bare feet. I felt refreshed.


今回は、撮影にぴったりの場所をカメラマンさんが見つけて、それには浅瀬のようなところを渡らなくては行けず、私も裸足になって水に入りました水遊びfish* すごく気持ちよかった貝殻音譜

☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-on the shore

I felt this when I was in Hawaii, but I was able to relax so deeply, and even though it was hot, it felt so nice that I forgot to worry about getting sunburned. Everyone else was there for work, but I was just having a lot of fun.



I haven't really gone to the ocean because I can't swim, but after this, I really like it now. I hope I can go again if I have the chance.

海って、自分が泳げないので敬遠していたんですが、これをきっかけに大好きになりました! また機会があったら行きたいな~にこにこ