福島県・富岡町の猫之介さんが出版された本、「猫之介道中記 しま次郎に捧ぐ・・・ 原発被災者による真実の記憶」(詳しくはこちら )の抜粋に、「富岡救援隊」として給餌・保護活動をされている、動物救援隊仲間のネコネコさんが撮影された写真を添えて、私の英訳をつける、というコラボ企画を始めました!







This is an introduction of an essay series, "Nekonosuke Douchuki ", by Nekonosuke, a victim of 3.11 disaster and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident.

Words: Nekonosuke. An author of the essay and a resident of Tomioka town, which had been designated as No-go-zone after the nuclear power plant accident. (The zone was reorganized in March 2013.) He dedicates this book to "Shimajirou", his cat that is still missing after the disaster. He is still looking for him.

Photographs: NEKONEKO. A volunteer who has been rescuing left behind cats around Tomioka town, as a member of Tomioka rescue team.


English translation: Momokohime. A blogger who has been posting information about Fukushima animals (including articles in English) and other articles related to animal welfare.



「福島をわすれない」 <1>

Never Forget Fukushima <1>


すると二度、大きな音が聞こえました。 ドーンと海の方で何かがぶつかるような音でした。





Parade Books 「猫之介道中記 しま次郎に捧ぐ・・・ - 原発被災者による真実の記憶 -」 より

文 猫之介  写真(イメージ) nekoneko  英訳 ももこひめ

Then I heard a huge noise, twice from the direction of the sea. Sounded like something was crushing.

A thermal power station near by is blowing black smoke.

Later I found out that by this time, some of my coleagues had already lost their family to Tsunami.

The huge noise was the sound of Tsunami.

However, at this time, nobody must have expected the hardships and challenges each of them would face after this.

Parade Books "Nekonosuke Douchuki Dedicate to Shimajirou - The true memory of the victim of Fukushima nuclear plant accident"