ベヴァリー・スミスさんのオータム・クラシックレポート:翻訳 | 覚え書きあれこれ






Amid hysteria in Barrie, Hanyu goes about business
'Hanyu Mania' grips sleepy city as Olympic champion debuts new free


Posted 10/16/15 by Beverley Smith, special to icenetwork

The presence of Yuzuru Hanyu at the humble Skate Canada Autumn Classic International in Barrie, Ontario, a small city north of Toronto, this week was a game-changer.

No longer listed as part of the ISU Challenger Series, the Autumn Classic takes place in a national training center with five or six rows of viewing seats. Even last year, when it was part of the Challenger Series, it carried a no-frills budget.
ISUのチャレンジャー・シリーズから外されたオータムクラシックは、五列か六列ほどしか観客席のないナショナル・トレーニング・センター(国内の選手を 養成するリンク)で開かれる。昨年、そのチャレンジャー・シリーズの大会であった時でさえ、かつかつの予算で行われた大会だ。

But once the Sochi Olympics men's champion from Japan signed up to open his season and unleash a new free skate for the first time here, and Skate Canada got wind of an army of Japanese fans booking flights to Canada, it sent a media staff, set up tables beside the ice surface and found a mixed zone in a (rare) quiet corner.

だがソチ五輪チャンピオンがシーズン初戦としてこの大会を選び、ここで新しいフリーのプログラムを初公開すると決めたとたん、そしてスケートカナダ(連 盟)が日本からカナダにファンが押し寄せると耳にしたとたん、メディア・スタッフが動員され、リンク際にテーブルが設置され、(数少ない)静かな場所に ミックス・ゾーンが設けられた。

When the Japanese federation heard that a flurry of Japanese fans had booked flights to get to Barrie, it sent its own little force to protect Hanyu: two strong-looking men who followed him everywhere and allowed only seven minutes for post-event scrums. For the fans, it was a rare opportunity to get as close and personal as possible with Hanyu in a small venue.

日本のスケート連盟もバリーに日本のファンが大挙してやってくると聞いたとたん、ハニュウを守るための人員を送り込んだ。屈強な二人の男性がハニュウをど こへ行くにもフォローし、演技後の囲み取材は7分、と限られた。ファンにとっては小さな会場でハニュウに至近距離で近づく絶好のチャンスとなったのであ る。

Barrie never saw anything like it. The fans arrived in droves for practice on Tuesday, lining up all the way down a ramp to buy tickets at 6:30 a.m, half an hour before the place opened. Seats weren't assigned, so they claimed their spots, laying sweaters and scarves and bags on the seats in the Allandale Recreation Centre arena.
バリー市にとってこれは前代未聞の出来事だった。火曜日の練習の時からファンは大挙して押し寄せ、会場が開く30分前の午前6時半にはスロープにずらりと 並び、チケットを買った。指定席ではなかったので、ファンは席を確保するのにアランデール・レクリエーション・センターのアリーナ内の座席にセーターやマ フラーやバッグを置いたのである。

The first night, puzzled janitors removed the sweaters and various seat-holders and placed them all in the lost-and-found department.

Aghast, the fans resorted to camping out at the front entrance overnight, forming a row of sleeping bags. Skate Canada staff tried many times to comfort them, saying they could sleep in a hotel bed and return early the next morning to get their seats. Despite temperatures that hovered a few degrees above freezing, the fans didn't budge.

Skate Canada live-streamed the event so that when fans in Japan -- who hadn't made the trip -- saw it, they texted their friends, asking them to buy programs for them. The Japanese snapped up multiples copies, despite only three pages being devoted to the actual competition.

スケートカナダは大会のライブストリーミングを提供したので(現地に来なかった)日本のファンはそれを見て、友達にテクストで連絡し、プログラムを買って 来てくれるよう頼んだ。実際、大会に割かれているページは3ページだけだったにも関わらず、一人で何部も買う人が見られた。

When Hanyu made his first appearance for a practice on Tuesday, the video cameras and smartphones came out and followed his every move. A group of Japanese media made the trip as well. Jet-lagged, they could be found in a backroom arena corner at times, nodding off on benches en masse.


And what a show they got.

Hanyu won the event with a total of 277.19, 36.09 points ahead of Canadian champion Nam Nguyen, who had a powerful short program but a troubled free skate. Sean Rabbitt, a 25-year-old competing at his first international, took the bronze medal, a finish that brought the Californian to tears.
ハニュウは合計277.19のスコアで、カナダチャンピオンのナム・ニューエンに36.09点の差をつけて優勝した。ニューエンはショートこそパワフルな演技だったが、フリーは問題があった。カリフォルニア出身のショーン・ラビットは25才で初めての国際大会に出場した選手だが、3位という結果に涙ぐむ姿が見られ た。

Despite stumbling out of his quad toe loop, Hanyu won the short program with 93.14 points. He's using his Jeff Buttle-choreographed routine from his troubled 2014-15 season because, as coach Brian Orser put it, "it had never had a home run with him."
SPでのハニュウは四回転トウループでつまずいてステップアウトしたものの、93.14点というスコアで制している。2014-2015年のいわくつきの シーズンから続けてバトルの振り付けたプログラムを使用しているのは、コーチのブライアン・オーサーによると「(あのプログラムはハニュウにとって)一度もホームランになってないから」だそうだ。

"I'd hate to retire it," Orser said. "It's such a beautiful piece."

But everybody had been waiting to see Hanyu's new free skate. And they weren't disappointed.

Orser said Hanyu showed up this spring in Toronto and immediately brought a whole body of music from the popular 2001 Japanese movie Onmyoji. This was only the second time that Hanyu suggested music; last season, he picked The Phantom of the Opera.

In the movie, legendary Japanese actor Mansai Nomura plays the role of the Onmyoji, also known as the Yin-Yang Master. What mattered most to Hanyu, however, was Nomura's long involvement in Kyōgen farcical theatre, a popular art form in Japan that dates back to the Middle Ages.
この映画の中で、日本の伝説的な俳優マンサイ・ノムラが陰陽師の役を演じている(英語ではYIN-YANG MASTER とも呼ばれているようだ)。だがハニュウにとって一番大切だったのはノムラが日本古来の伝統芸能である「狂言」に携わっていることだった。

Earlier this year, Hanyu met Nomura, now a 49-year-old actor and mentor. The meeting was engineered by Akiko Ebisawa of Nippon Television -- who was in Barrie this week.

Ebisawa filmed the meeting between Nomura and Hanyu, comparing their art and the movement they use. Hanyu appeared overcome at meeting Nomura.

"He is a huge fan," Ebisawa said. "[Hanyu] was very nervous."

The first motion in Hanyu's free skate is a move used by Nomura in a kyogen stance: Hanyu places two black-gloved fingers in front of his lips, then swings his other arm over his head. When Nomura performs the movement, he wears a traditional Japanese medieval costume, with long, boxy sleeves. Nomura and Hanyu decided that he had to adapt this costume and movement to suit a figure skating routine. At the Autumn Classic, Hanyu unveiled his version: a soft ivory-gold, belted tunic, with slight bell sleeves, more streamlined for figure skating.
ハニュウのフリーで彼が一番最初に見せる動きはノムラが使っている狂言の立ち居振る舞いだ:ハニュウは黒い手袋をはめた指を二本、唇の前に持って行き、次 にもう片方の腕を頭上に回し上げる。ノムラがこの動きを演じる時、彼は長く、四角い袖のついた日本の古典的な中世の衣装を着ている。ノムラとハニュウは、 この時の(ノムラの)衣装も動きもフィギュアスケートに合うようなものにすることが必要だと考えた。オータムクラシックでハニュウは自分なりのバージョン を披露した:アイボリーとゴールドの色使いで、ベルトのついた柔らかいチュニック、袖は少し丸みを帯びているがフィギュアスケートに適するようにスリムに保たれている。

In the film, Nomura shows Hanyu that he can draw attention to a movement by swinging an arm aloft first. You cannot just copy Kyōgen, Nomura says: "You must think what the movement means -- which gesture would be most effective."


Many of Hanyu's arm movements flash at the sound of a drum. At the end of the program, when the final drum-bang rings out, Hanyu stands at center ice and snaps both arms out and up.

Three-time world champion Elvis Stojko, known for his own martial arts routine, stopped in at Allandale on the way home from a movie shoot. He's glad he stayed to watch, he said.


"[Hanyu's free skate is] not overly dramatic," he said. "There is a certain humble quality to it that I like. The style of the program and the music builds. It's not in your face. I hate it when it's overly done. It's just nice and clean skating. It speaks for itself.
「(ハニュウのフリーは)過剰にドラマチックじゃない。ある種、控えめな感じが俺は好きだな。プログラムの雰囲気がね。そして音楽が盛り上がって行くで しょ。押しつけがましくない。やり過ぎっていうのは俺は大嫌いだから。これはただただ質の良い、すっきりとしたスケートだ。見るだけで十分、みたいな」

"And he's filled out, so his body is a little stronger," Stojko said. "There is a maturity to his skating. He's not as flingy as he was before. Now he's more controlled with his movements."


Hanyu wasn't perfect, but for his first outing of the year, he was breathtaking. He landed a tightly rotated quad salchow but then put a hand down on a quad toe loop that followed. He fell on his second quad toe loop in the second half of his routine. He turned out of a triple axel, one of his favorite jumps. He regretted those mistakes, he said later in Japanese.

ハニュウはパーフェクトではなかった。だがシーズン最初の試合にしては、(観る者の)息が止るような出来だった。軸の締まった四回転サルコウは着氷した が、次の四回転トウループでは片手をついた。後半に入れた二つ目の四回転トウループでは転倒し、得意のトリプルアクセルは一つステップアウトがあった。それらのミスは悔しかった、と演技後、彼は日本語で言った。

His spin combinations were crisp and ever-changing and imaginative. His ina bauer, leaning far back into the position, was without compare.

Shae-Lynn Bourne choreographed the routine, and she's even included a hat tip to herself in it: Hanyu "hydroblades" -- a move that Bourne and partner Victor Kraatz made their trademark way back when.

Hanyu is better prepared for this season than last. He has spent more time in Toronto with Orser. He made his debut at the Autumn Classic, about an hour away from his training base. His next appearance will be at Skate Canada in Lethbridge, Alberta, which keeps him in Canada. After that, he'll have three weeks in Toronto to train for his next Grand Prix, the NHK Trophy.
昨年に比べるとハニュウは今シーズン、順調に調整が出来ている。オーサーと一緒にトロントで過ごした時間も長い。初戦のオータムクラシックは練習拠点から ほんの一時間の距離だ。次に登場するのはアルバータ州レスブリッジで開催されるスケート・カナダ、これもカナダを離れずにすむ。その後は三週間、トロント で練習をして、次のグランプリ大会、NHKトロフィーに出場する。

Orser said, "It's really nice to have him around."









