残酷な結末:パトリック・チャンに厳しいカナダ・メディアの評価(上) | 覚え書きあれこれ











Patrick Chan has always been genuine.

On Friday night, in defeat — it can be stated no other way — he was disingenuous.


Silver, not gold. And okay about it, not gutted.

“I had that gold medal right in front of me but I just didn’t grasp it. It’s tough.

“But life goes on.”

It will not be the life of an Olympic champion, however. And that is what Chan’s life has been all about these past four years.


He never saw it turning out this way.

The agony of it was writ on his face, in the kiss ’n’ cry area following  the free skate here Friday evening, when the scores flashed up. The numbers said it all: 178.10, 275.62 overall. Second in the free, second to Japan’s Yuzuru Hanyu in the men’s competition, second at the Olympics  he was supposed to make his own.
その極限の苦悩はキス・アンド・クライの彼の顔を見れば明らかだった。金曜の夜、フリー演技の後、得点がスコアボードに上がると、数字は嘘をつかなかっ た。178・10、総合で275.62.フリーで二位、男子競技で羽生結弦に次ぐ二位、彼がものにすべきであったオリンピックで二位。

Chan winced, jerked his head back as if he just couldn’t bear to look. Then his face crumpled.


Canada has never won a men’s figure skating Olympic gold.

Sadly — the tears were in his eyes — it didn’t happen on this night in the Iceberg Palace either.


He hadn’t done it, after all.


Fourteen world champions from Canada over the years — as Chan is the three-time and defending global title-holder — yet not once on top podium at the Winter Games.

Chan had been expected to break that pattern, bury the curse. Instead, he takes his place among the accursed.

“It was a disappointment at first, to see it on the board,” the 23-year-old from Toronto said afterwards — long afterwards, because he’d  clearly spent a great deal of time composing himself before facing reporters in the mixed zone. The rawness of failure — again, it can be stated no other way — was already retreating, at least for public consumption.
「掲示板に(点が)出た時、最初は落胆するしかなかった」と、後ほどトロント出身の23歳の青年は言った。後ほど、というのはかなり時間が経ってから、と いう意味だ。ミックスゾーンで取材陣に直面できるようになるまでかなり長い間、気持ちの整理をしなくてはならなかったに違いないから。惨敗―しつこいよう だが、そうとしか形容のしようがない―の生々しさはすでに少し遠のいていた。少なくとも表向きには。

“At the end of the day, I have two heavy metals around my neck and they’re silver medals. Nobody can take that away from me. Nobody can also take away the fact that I’ve had an amazing journey as a figure skater. I’m a three-time world champion, two-time silver medallist at the Olympics. Not many Canadians have achieved that. Unfortunately it wasn’t a gold, but I’m not going to let that affect my whole career and how amazing it’s been.”

「なんだかんだ言って、僕の首には二つの重いメダルが掛かってる。銀メダルだけどね。誰もそれを否定することはできない。フィギュアスケーターとしてぼく がどれほど素晴らしい道のりを辿ってきたか、ということに関しても誰も否定することはできない。世界選手権を三連覇して、オリンピックで二つの銀メダルを 獲った。カナダ人でこれを成し遂げた人間はそういない。残念ながら金メダルではなかったけど、だからと言ってぼくがこれまでやってきたことや、その輝かし さを否定するようなことは決してしない」

Two silvers in Sochi because Chan was part of the squad that came second  to Russia last weekend in the inaugural team event. That was a consolation medal. For Chan, Sochi had always been strictly about the gold. He’s said it repeatedly since finishing fifth in Vancouver.

ソチで銀メダル二つ、それはチャンがフィギュア競技初の団体戦において、ロシアに次ぐ二位を獲得したカナダチームの一員だったからだ。それは単なる 「おまけ」のメダルであって、チャンにとってソチで肝心なのはあくまでも個人戦の金メダル。バンクーバー五輪で5位に終わったあと、彼が言い続けてきたこ とだった。

At the end of his program, Chan rested for a few moments on one knee, tentative smile curling his lips, and then put his hand to his heart. There must have been doubt in his mind, however, about whether the performance had been good enough to overtake teen sensation Hanyu, who’d  skated just before.

“I was just relieved to know it was over and I didn’t fall on my bum.


“I’m smiling because I look at not just today but my whole journey up to  this point, since Vancouver. Look how much I’ve grown. You can’t define  an athlete because of one day. I’ve stood on top of the podium many, many times throughout my career. Just because I’m standing on the one on  the side today doesn’t change the fact that I still believe I’m the very best in the world.”
「今、ぼくが笑えるのはこれまでバンクーバーからずっと、どういった道のりを辿ってきたか、ということを振り返っているから。ほんの一日だけをとってアス リートを定義することなんてできないはず。ぼくは何度も何度も表彰台のてっぺんに立ってきた。今日、その一つ下の段に立ったからと言って、僕が自分を世界 最高のスケーターだと思っていることに何ら変わりはない。」

The Olympic annals will show otherwise. It was Hanyu who emerged as Japan’s first-ever Olympic skating champion and the second-youngest winner, at 19, in this event.
