Hello everyone on the earth and space.

I am Ricardo Marcenas, prime minister of Earth Federation Government.

The christian era will end soon, we make a step toward undiscovered world named the Universal Century.

この記念すべき瞬間に、地球連邦政府初代首相として′′みなさん′′に語りかけることができる幸福に、 まずは感謝を捧げたいと思います。
I express my gratitude for being able to adress to all of you at this memorable moment as the first prime minister of Earth Federation.

In my childhood president or prime minister used to address his nation.

Nation was structure for governing her citizen and territory, ultimately only for her defence.

いま、人類の宿願であった統一政権を現実のものとした我々は、旧来の定義における国家の過ちを指摘する ことができます。
Now we realize united government which was aspired by us all, we can point out faults of old nations.

We know a nation cannot function alone as much as we cannot live alone.

地球の危機という課題に対して、旧来の国家はなんら有効な解決策を示せませんでした。 二十世紀末葉から指摘され始めた人口問題、資源の枯渇、環境破壊による熱汚染......。
Old nations could not work out the solution of crisis like population issue,deplation of resource, heat pollution by enviromental destruction that was pointed out at middle 20th century.

いまや後戻りの許されないこれらの問題を解決するには、我々ひとりひとりの意識改革が不可欠だったので す。
It was crucial to reform our conciousness to solve these irreversible problems.

"A sence of self which belong to neither a nation nor an ethnic group, but to species, the human race"

If we had not acquired this perspective, we could not sustain ourselves until today.

前身機関の設立から五十年あまり、人類宇宙移民計画とともに歩んできた地球連邦政府の歴史は、決して平 坦なものではありませんでした。
Since the predesessor has instituted fifty years ago, the history of Earth Federation Government progressed with space immigration program was never serene and fine.

国家、民族、宗教......これらの壁を取り払い、人類が本当にひとつになるためには、まだまだ多くの試練を 乗り越えなければならないことも事実です。
It is the fact that we have enoumous numbers of barrier to overcome like nation, race, and religion to truly unite into one.

However we have space colony as new place to live.

間もなく始まる宇宙世紀とともに移民も本格化し、多くの人が宇宙で暮らすことを当たり前とする時代が来 るでしょう。
Space immigration will be fully in progress soon, and living in space will be come commonplace.

Our cooperation achieved this brilliant success made for save the earth which is about to be crushed by weight of human.

西暦と呼ばれた時期が、人類が人類たるアイデンティティを確立した揺籃期とするなら、宇宙世紀はその次 を目指す時間となることでしょう。
If in the Christian era we were in early development stage to forge an identity as mankind, in the Universal Century we would head to next stage.

We have decided not to reduce population by birth control, but develop the outside space compatible with our population.

A baby crawled out of the cradle must grow up.

The implementation of space immigration program has proved that we can unite for common purpose.

では、その次は? Then, what comes next?

宇宙世紀 ユニバーサル・センチュリー。 The Universal Century.
The word "Universal" was employed for multiple meanings appropriately reflecting its philosophy.

We should have named Universe Century, because new century will be a space age century.

我々は敢えて用法違いと思われる " 普遍的 "(ユニバーサル)を選び、新しい世紀の名前としました
How ever, we had choosed Universal Century as a new cetury's name, this may be wrong.

I was born in former United States, have passed my childhood in Germany and French,

and my schooltime in Asia. My wife is hybrid of Europian and Arabic.

わたしの両親も似たようなもので、祖先を振り返ると、実に三十以上の国の血が混じり合い、いまのわたし が形作られていることがわかります。
My parents are similar, for ancesters were from over thirty country in total.

It means that varying colors of skin, varying bloods of race are living in me.

I recieved honor of being Eearth Federation President, since the "universal" birth.

There must be many people have such a birth in you.

二十一世紀から本格的に始まった通信技術の発達、相互依存経済による世界の並列化が、血と肌の混合を推 し進めたのです。
Amalgamation of skin and blood was caused by globalization of economical activity and development of communication technology that rapidly progressed in 21st century,

連邦政府の樹立による国境の無力化と、世界標準語の制定によって、この傾向は今後ますます加速すること と思います。
and this tendency will be accelerated by disempowerment of national borders by Earth Federation and instituition of world standard language.

Therefore my case is no longer uncommon.

宇宙で人が暮らすということ。 そのために、全人類が一丸となって移民計画を推進してきたことも、また然りです。
The fact we have worked together toward space immigration for giving space habitude is also similar.

This miraculous achievement must not be treated as special case.

人類はひとつになれるという事実を普遍化し、互いを拒絶することなく、憎しみ争うことなく、一個の種と して広大な宇宙と向き合ってゆく。
We should universalize the fact that we mankind can cooperate hand in hand.

We should face to boundless univerce as a species without boycotte, hate or conflict each other.

I am not a believer of any religion but not an atheist too.

高みを目指すため、自らの戒めとするため、己の中により高次な存在を設定するのは、人の健康な精神活動 の表れと信じています。

We fix higher existance inside our mind to ascend to higher stage or to admonish ourselves, I believe it is sound mental activity of humanity.

In christian era, philosophical problems, for instance how should live or how should we face to the world, were mentioned through prophecy or words of god.

人はどのように生きるべきか。いかにして世界と向き合うべきか。 モーセが授かった十戒の例を持ち出すまでもなく、それらに対する教えはあらゆる宗教に伝えられています。

All religions have doctorine on such problems, not in words of human, but in narrative of contract between god and human.


However since we say farewell to the "century of god" soon, it is time to contract renewal.

Now it is time to discuss these problems not with transcendent god as ever,

今度は超越者としての神ではなく、我々の内に存在する神――より高みに近づこうとする心との対話によっ て。
but with our inner god, in other words our mind ahead to higher stage.

The new Ark of the Covenant of Universal Century should be established by consensous of all human race.

この首相官邸の名前、〈ラプラス〉の語源をについてはご存じの方も多いでしょう。 十八世紀のフランスに生まれた物理学者の名前です。
As many of you know, this office of prime minister is named after the French physicist in the 18th century.

ラプラスは、過去に起こったすべての事象を細大もらさず――原子一個の動きに至るまで――分析すること で、未来は完全に予測できると考えました。
He supposed that we can completely predict the future by obtaining and analyzing all information of event occurent in past even a motion of an atom.

この考えは、のちに量子力学の発達によって否定され、いまでは未来を完全に予測する術はないことが証明 されています。
His thought is negated by quantum mechanics and it is proved that we have no way to predict the future completely.

我々は、その経緯を逆説として受け取り、この首相官邸〈ラプラス〉の名を冠しました。 「未来にはあらゆる可能性がある」という意味を込めてのことです。
We paradoxically use his name for the thesis "The future has infinite potential".

ご承知の通り、地球軌道上のステーションに首相官邸を置くことについては、さまざまな議論がありました。 交通の利便性や警備上の観点からすると、確かに望ましい選択とは言えません。
As you are aware construction of the office of prime minister on the orbital station was controvertial because it is nonideal in terms of security and accessibility.

しかし、我々は宇宙世紀に踏み出そうとしているのです。 この宇宙こそが人類の新たな生活の場となるのです。 その途上に立つ者として、地球と宇宙の狭間に身を置かねばわからぬこともあると思い、わたしは首相権限 でこれを押し通しました。
But at this juncture, I should take my stand between earth and space in which people will live in as one in the transition period, so I have pushed through the transfarring of the office by authority of prime minister.

西暦の最後の日、改暦セレモニーとともに宇宙世紀憲章を発表するのであれば、その舞台はここを置いて他 にないとも考えました。
Also I believe that no other place is suitable for holding the calender reform ceremony and release the Charter of Universal Century at the last day of the Christian era.

今日、ここには地球連邦政府を構成する百ヵ国あまりの代表が集い、吟味に吟味を重ねた宇宙世紀憲章にサ インをしました。
Today delegations from over hundred nations which consist the Earth Federation Government put their signature to the Charter of Universal Century which was strictly scrutinized by them.

間もなく発表されるそれは、のちにラプラス憲章と呼ばれ、人と世界の新たな契約の箱として機能すること になるでしょう。
It is going to be released soon and will be called The Laplace Charter later, will become effective as the new Ark of Covenant.

In the Charter under consensuos of Earth Federation Government, there is neither name of god nor reference to "original sin".

When you are ahead, the Last Judgment and visit if from now, it will be a catastrophe the heart of our own I sent invitation.

Everything is up to us.

Now, we are facing to vast universe.

We are facing to unremittingly vacillate future which has infinite potential.

We should not bring antagonism of past days no matter what kind of process led us to here.

我々はスタート地点にいるのです。 We are standing on starting point.

Look ahead of the future by the eye of your inner god, not by scinario written by others.

現在、グリニッジ標準時二十三時五十九分。 Now it is 23:59 in Greenwich standard time.

Soon it will be new century.

I sincerely ask you to pray for our future and think of passed century in which we were all part of, if you afford to do.

May human race advance to space be untroubled.

May Universal Century be rewarding era.

Believe in god inside your mind

我々の中に眠る、可能性という名の神を信じて... Believe in potential inside human race...