☞Joint Press Briefing by Secretary Mattis and Minister Inada in Tokyo, Japan
STAFF: Now we will begin the joint news conference.
Minister Inada, Secretary Mattis will make initial remarks.
First, we'd like to start with Minister Inada.
JAPANESE DEFENSE MINISTER TOMOMI INADA (through translator): Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Today, U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis is here at the ministry of defense and we're very please to receive him. This was the first defense ministerial talks with him. A very significant exchange of views took place in today's meeting that the Japan and U.S. alliance is important to secure peace and stability of Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. And that to further strengthen deterrents and response capabilities of the alliance Japan and the United States work together. These points have been confirmed.
今日、ジェームズ・マーティス国防長官が防衛省にあり、私たちは彼を受け入れることを非常に喜んでいる。 これは彼との最初の国防相談でした。 本日の会議で、日本と米国の同盟は、日本とアジア太平洋地域の平和と安定を確保するために重要であるとの非常に重要な意見交換が行われた。 さらに、日米同盟の抑止力と対応能力をさらに強化するために、日米が協力して取り組んでいます。 これらの点は確認済みです。
We exchanged opinions on the regional situations, evolution of North Korea's nuclear and missile development is for the Japan and the U.S. and for the region's security a grave threat. We agreed on this understanding.
我々は地域の状況について意見を交換し、北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発の進展は日米のためであり、地域の安全保障は重大な脅威である。 我々はこの理解に同意した。
Also China's activities in the East and South China Seas are a security concern for the Asia-Pacific region. This concern has been shared between us. Secretary Mattis said the Senkaku Islands are under the administration of the government of Japan, and fall within the scope of article five of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.
また、東シナ海および南シナ海における中国の活動は、アジア太平洋地域の安全保障上の関心事である。 この懸念は私たちの間で共有されています。 マッティス大統領は、尖閣諸島は日本政府の管理下にあり、日米安保条約第5条の範囲に入ると述べた。
He said that the United States opposes any unilateral action to attempt to overthrow Japan's administration of the Senkaku Islands.
I said that freedom of navigation operations and other actions by the U.S. forces in the South China Sea contribute to maintaining maritime order based on the rule of law, and that I support these efforts. We agree that including capacity-building initiatives, we will enhance engagement in the South China Sea.
南シナ海における米軍の航行の自由やその他の行動は、法の支配に基づいて海洋秩序を維持することに貢献し、私はこれらの努力を支持すると述べた。 キャパシティビルディングイニシアチブを含めて、南シナ海への関与を強化することに同意します。
I conveyed my thinking that for the regional peace and stability Japan continues to play a proactive role.
Secretary Mattis communicated to me about the U.S. obligation to defend Japan and its ironclad commitment to extended deterrence. Based on the Japan-U.S. guidelines d
eterrence and the response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. alliance need to be further reinforced. We agreed to this understanding. Realignment of the U.S. forces in Japan is an important project to mitigate the impact on the local communities, including Okinawa.
Mattis長官は、日本を守る米国の義務と、抑止力の強化のための鉄鋼のコミットメントについて私に伝えました。 日米のガイドラインに基づいて
日米同盟の対応能力をさらに強化する必要がある。 我々はこの理解に同意した。 日本の米軍再編は、沖縄を含む地域社会への影響を軽減する重要なプロジェクトです。
私はMattis長官に、日本における米軍の再編のための協力が求められた。 Mattis長官は、日本と協力して進めたいと述べた。
I asked Secretary Mattis for cooperation in steady progress for realignment of U.S. forces in Japan. Secretary Mattis said he would like to move ahead with it in cooperation with Japan.
私はMattis長官に、日本における米軍の再編のための協力が求められた。 Mattis長官は、日本と協力して進めたいと述べた。
Also I told him that relocation and the return of MCAS Futnenma needs to be realized as soon as possible. We agreed that relocation of it to Henoko is the only solution, and we will continue to cooperate.
また、私はMCAS Futnenmaの移転と帰還が可能な限り早急に実現される必要があると彼に話しました。 私たちは、それを辺野古へ移転することが唯一の解決策であることに同意し、今後も協力していくつもりです。
I requested cooperation for mitigating the impact on Okinawa. We agreed to cooperate to ensure stable stationing of U.S. forces in Japan.
私は沖縄への影響を軽減するための協力を要請した。 我々は、米軍の安定した駐留を確保するために協力することに同意した。
Lastly, I would like to say having had this opportunity to talk with Secretary Mattis today, these talks were frank, and candid and significant. This pleases me tremendously, and based on today's talk I will continue to work hard to strengthen and deepen the Japan-U.S. alliance.
最後に、マーティス長官とこの機会を持つ機会を得たことを率直に言いたいと思います。 これは私を大変喜ばしく思います。そして、今日の話し合いに基づき、私は日米同盟を強化し、深化させるために引き続き努力します。
Thank you.
STAFF: Next, we'd like to invite Secretary Mattis, please.
Good morning, everyone. And thank you for being here. And thank you, Minister Inada, for hosting me.
おはようございます。 ここに集えたことに感謝します。 そして、稲田大臣、ホストありがとう。
I'm very pleased to be visiting Japan on my first trip overseas as secretary of defense. It's been many years since I first served in Japan as a young lieutenant in the Marines, but I have fond memories and good friends from that time.
私は国防長官として、初めての海外出張が日本を訪れることでとても満足しています。 私が初めて、海兵隊の若い中尉として日本で勤めてから何年も経っていますが、私はその時からの思い出とお友達が大好きです。
It's clear that much has changed since those years. But one this is certain: The alliance between the United States and Japan is enduring and will remain as the cornerstone of peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.
当時から多くのことが変わってきたことは明らかです。 しかし、これは確かなのです。:米国と日本の間の同盟は、アジア太平洋地域の平和と安全の礎石として残っており、引き続き存続しましょう。
Let me assure you that President Trump's administration places a high priority on this region, and specifically on long-term allies like Japan.
As I told Minister Inada, the United States remains committed to the defense of Japan under the Treaty of Mutual Security, and we stand ready to enhance our alliance to the benefit of regional peace, prosperity and freedom.
Today the minister and I discussed the security situation and I made clear that our longstanding policy on the Senkaku Islands stands. The United States will continue to recognize Japanese administration of the islands, and as such article five of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty applies.
今日、大臣と私は治安状況について話し合いました。私は、尖閣諸島に関する私たちの長年の政策が同じ立場に居ることを明確にしました。 米国は引き続き日本の島々の管理を認めることになり、このような場合は米日安全保障条約の5条が適用されます。
As the Japanese people know so well, jointly we faced many security challenges in this region. From the threat of nuclear and missile provocations by North Korea to increasingly confrontational behavior by China in the East and South China Seas we recognize the changing security situation.
日本人がよく知っているように、私たちは共同で、この地域の多くの安全保障上の課題に直面しました。 北朝鮮による核・ミサイル挑発の脅威や東・南シナ海における中国の対立行動への脅威は、私たちは変化する安全保障状況を認識しています。
In our meeting together Minister Inada and I confirmed out intention to continue close coordination on these and other security issues.
I also expressed the United States appreciation for Japan's stabilizing and strengthening efforts with Southeast Asian partners, which contribute to the regional peace, prosperity and freedom.
The U.S.-Japan alliance is critical to ensuring that this region remain safe and secure, not just now, but for years to come.
The 2015 defense guideline in Japan's peace and security legislation lay the foundation for us to do much more together, to increase interoperability between our forces and to bolster Japan's capabilities from peacetime to contingency if needed.
I am certain that the coming years will see important strides on both sides to realize our mutual goal of a strong defense of Japan and a stable regional environment in which all nations play by the broadly accepted international rules and can prosper free from fear.
The United States has invested in the alliance by deploying our most advanced capabilities to Japan, and by maintaining a robust force structure.
I also mentioned to Minister Inada that the United States remains committed to mutually agreed upon realignment plans. These include relocating Marines to Guam, and reducing our footprint on Okinawa, while maintaining the capabilities needed to keep Japan and the region secure.
During my discussions here we agreed that our mutual efforts to build the Futenma replacement facility will continue as it is the only solution that will enable the United States to return the current Marine Corps Air Station at Futenma to Japan.
Japan has made noteworthy contributions to regional security and to the alliance, and the United States deeply appreciates these contributions.
But make no mistake, in my meeting with Japanese leaders both our nations recognize that we must not be found complacent in the face of the emerging challenges.
As our alliance grows it will be important for both of our nations to continue investing in our defense personnel and capabilities. In this manner we will ensure that we are true partners together today and in the years to come. The United States stands with our friends and allies.
我々の同盟が成長するにつれて、両国が防衛職員と能力に継続的に投資することが重要になるでしょう。 このようにして、私たちは今日、そして今後数年間、真のパートナーであることを保証します。 米国は友人や同盟国という立場に立っています。
Thank you again, Minister Inada, for hosting me. It is a pleasure to be back in Japan, and I look forward to hosting you in Washington. Thank you.
稲田大臣、主催してくれてありがとう。 日本に帰るのは嬉しいです。ワシントンでお待ちしております。 ありがとうございました。