There are a lot of islands in Chuuk lagoon and each island had a Japanese name that was different from their native name and English name. Japanese named them when they occupied Chuuk.
For example, four main islands which are aligned lengthwise were named as follows.

Weno Island: Haru Shima (meaning of Spring Island)
Tonoas Island: Natu Shima (Summer Island)
Fefen Island: Aki Shima ( Autumn Island)
Uman Island: Huyu shima ( Winter Island)

Moreover, an archipelago which consists of seven islands was named Sitiyou Syotou which means Seven Days Archipelago, and the seven islands there were called Nitiyou Tou (meaning of Sunday Island), Getuyou Tou (Monday Island), Kayou Tou (Tuesday Island), Suiyou Tou (Wednesday Island), Mokuyou Tou (Thursday Island), Kinyou Tou (Friday Island), Doyou Tou (Saturday Island) respectively.

The reason why the Japanese named each island in Japanese is that it seemed to remind them of Japan, though Japan is very far from here. Anyway, it actually reminds me of Japan now.
In this connection, if you ask people in Chuuk about Japanese name of islands, they will say “I don’t know”.

$海とごみとチューク生活-map of Chuuk Lagoon

