When she woke up he said,

This is the last jewel I wanted from you.”

This ruby with deep blood color?”


I’m glad you are gla…”

Princess passed out again.

Your Highness!”

How stupid of you!

Give the ruby back to the princess now

Or she’ll die,”

Exclaimed the Queen/Witch.

Can’t you see that is the crystal of her very life?”

I thought this would complete everything…”

Why did you want everything?”

Because… I fell in love with her.”

Give it back to her NOW!”

No way! But I’ll give this to her.”

Prince stubbed his chest with his short sword.

An equally big and red ruby came out of his wound.

He offered it to the princess and put it into her mouth.

His ruby melted and disappeared.

Jewels came running from the body of Princess again.

My ruby has disappeared! Why?”

Oh, no! My body is shedding jewels again!”

The prince had turned into Tin Man again.

If I have got back to my damned self again, we can start all over now…”

When he touched the jewels on the floor, they also melted and disappeared.

Why? Oh, why? No matter how many I catch, they all disappear!

What was wrong wanting everything, really?”

Ladies-in-waiting rushed to the jewels and pushed the prince away.

They picked up the jewels and put them in their baskets.

Princess Jewel kept shedding yet more jewels standing up,

With a smile that looked a little bit lonely and a little bit content.

Tin Man made a line every day to receive jewels that would disappear once he touched them.