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So...here we go again



Time to pack up and go!



We are given just a month to move



So in April, we, yet again, moved...we moved out of Tokyo.



I unexpectedly grew to like Tokyo...私は東京は期待より好きになった


By now, I am an expert mover

4回目? お引越しするの。。。得意になったかも!


A lot of goodbyes again...



Now, 4 months later...life has gone "back to normal" 



Enjoying a summer bbq and the enchanting sound of cicadas....



I appreciate every day and moment


Key points I learned from moving so many times:



Happiness and health, is wealth!



Resilience is the key to success


PICTURE: summer parfait party

職場と家庭での危機!Workplace and home crises!

It has been a long time 



In December 2020, just before our (online) Christmas party for university students......my colleagues and I were told of some horrifying news!



We would all be losing our jobs at the end of the academic school year. (partly due to corona.......)

私たちは皆、学年の終わりに仕事を失う (コロナ関係で。。。)


Way to get us into that Christmas spirit (dripping of sarcasm!!!)



I was too busy to update my blog......it has been a stressed to the max year!!!



My child was dealing with various major life crises!!!! 



My husband changed job departments and was COMPLETELY MAXED OUT with work stress!!!!



Quite frankly, it was a horrible 2021!!!



The good part is.....


Life goes on



We threw soybeans at each other on Setsubun (in addition to eating thick sushi rolls)



We had a family Valentine's Day dinner party at my house...



Holidays are made to be celebrated!



My teen made her father some Florentine bar cookies by herself



I bought beef prosciutto, craft beer, and made homemade chocolates for my husband




I got my yoga teaching certification (RYT500) when I was unemployed and I started to study for a pilates certification.



After stopping my work at the university, I found so many jobs as an English Instructor. 



Various life-changing jobs that changed my perspective on a) teaching, b) child-raising and c) living life.  

私の視点を変えた人生を変える仕事: 教育、子育て、生活.


Working at the university also made a great impact in my life...but my new jobs taught me more in just one short year!



I found the happiest students not to be the ”smartest" or most "intelligent" but the happiest  ones were from families with loving and caring parents.

一番いい生徒さんたちは。。。”頭がいい”とか”賢いい”子たちではない。。。 一番ハッピーの生徒さんたちは。。。安定的な家庭、子供たちへの愛と思いやりを示した両親


The same was found to be true when teaching at a cram school for elite students (in Tokyo).



Students with tiger moms and dads do not turn out very well emotionally. While they may have good grades, they often lack empathy and social skills. (just a generalization and not always the case, might I add!)

教育熱心の親を持っている生徒さんは。。。「心の知能指数」が不足している。。。 優秀のに、思いやりがないとか、共感を持っていない。


Many parents think they can buy their kids a good future with money.



Education starts at the home.  



I cannot stress this enough.



Families need to communicate more.


Even if it means more fighting.



It has been 3 years in Tokyo.  A city I thought I would hate but in fact enjoy so much!

東京の生活。。。3年目になりました。あっと言う間です! 東京が好きとは思わなかったのに、結構楽しんでいます!

I made many new friends in Tokyo!



I have tons of interesting new coworkers!



Life is so dynamic, isn’t it?



Life can be tough, but we can find something that makes us smile every day!



Stay optimistic, healthy, and keep a sense of humor!
前向きになって、健康であれば、いいでしょう! (時々笑っても大事ですよ!)

Hope that you are staying well and healthy!!!



Though corona still isn't over, let's try our best to hang in there!!!


Photo: I had work in Fukushima...this is the super cute sightseeing area Ouchi-juku. You must try the shingoro dango sweet dumplings!

仕事の出張のため、福島県に行ってきた。 人気な観光スポット:大内宿。。。しんごろう団子(甘いえごま味噌は絶品!!!)

My family no longer lets me post photos of them and I don't want to post my colleagues photos without permission.........haha, so it is a very "lonely" photo of me cut out of a group shot!!  

A request I have of couples that divorce: 

Please explain clearly the situation of your relationship and reason for your divorce to your child.  Please also have your child go to a family counselor or therapist after your divorce.  A divorce is equivalent to the death of a family member.  It is something very serious and if not addressed, it WILL LEAVE SCARS on your child for life.  I taught many students with such deep wounds, students torn from a parent without much explanation.  Those students have an indelible dark scar......that haunts them for years on end.  It is sad as an educator to see (some of these students came to me, confessing that they are depressed in life and never want to marry, EVER!!!)



Although I could not go abroad for summer vacation this year, we could thoroughly enjoy Tokyo to its fullest!  Staycation time!!!



Since it was better not to leave Tokyo, we enjoyed a very much deserted Tokyo.

コロナまだ落ち着いていないから、東京から離れないほうがいいと思った。 東京の食べ歩きなど。。。をしました。


To support the local economy we went here and there, all the while taking careful measures not to get/spread COVID



There was no line for the #1 best-selling dorayaki in Japan, Kamejyuu.  (though, to be honest, I prefer their white bean wafer sandwiches)

普段。。。すごい行列しているところは今、好いていて、寂しい。 日本中で人気ナンバー1のどら焼きのお店(亀十)。。。並ばないで、すぐ買えました。(庄司次期を言って、私はどら焼きより、白あんの”もなか”が好きです!)


Since we couuld not go abroad, we enjoyed ethnic takeout food or making ethnic dishes in the comfort of our own home.  Eating it made us feel like we went abroad, well, kind of...  This pic is of Tunisian food.

海外に行けないから、自宅でエスニック料理を作った。。。海外気分を少し感じた! 写真はチュニジア料理。

My friend's cake shop has many beautiful seasonal cakes right now...so many beautiful ones, it was hard to choose!  

神楽坂にあるケーキ屋LE COIN VERT

友達のケーキ屋は。。。期間限定のケーキたくさんあります。 選択あり過ぎて。。。選ぶのは難しかった!

Last but not least...this summer was spent GIVING to others.



Volunteering in Kumamoto.



Volunteering at the local children's cafeteria.



Volunteering at a food pantry.



Supporting local businesses, especially the food industry




Though we were unable to go abroad, what an invaluable summer it has been.


Poor artisans and farmers. COVID really hit their businesses hard. Livelihoods...greatly affected.

The Aoyama Farmer's market is back! (as of yesterday)

Since corona struck, they've been unable to hold the market...it was a long 5 months.

Even now the market is being conducted on a much reduced scale.

Last weekend and this weekend there were all kinds of shops for: fresh or dried flowers, artisan knives, moringa, raw honey, microgreens (organic sprouts) raw spirulina, specialty spices (juniper berry, black cumin and more!) , peach/nectarines, specialty grapes, various veggies, and spicy condiments.

I bought a new vegetable (the farmer told me that, quick frankly, it's a weed!) called "purslane" - do you know it? Packed with Omega-3s and a bit tannic tasting...I am still undecided on my verdit with this one! (I blanched it, tossed it together with soy sauce, black sesame paste, and bonito flakes)。
ここで"スベリヒユ"(やプルピエ) を初めて知った。 雑草です! でもとても体にいい、オメガ3たっぷり。 少し苦味があるの。 カツオと醤油でおひたしにしました。 

I got some Mexican tea leaf...wondering how I will use that..mmm, v..excited to use it.

Aoyama Farmer's Market, back in a smaller scale now. Please tell your friends! 


Now, more than ever, you should support small-scaled farmers and businesses.

Also.....I ran into this quaint bread shop.......and liked the bread selection, very close to the Aoyama Farmer's Market
They use Hokkaido flour and a lot of the breads have whole wheat or grains in it, kinda healthier.
材料にこだわっているお店なので、安心に食べられる! 全粒粉入りパンも多くて、健康的な感じ!
Small food businesses are closing left and right.  Please support the "small" guys!!!
個人の飲食店。。。次から次へ、倒産している。。。 小さいお店をサポートしましょう!

被災現場の人吉市で見てきたこと  そして  私たちにできること





館山でボランティア活動(2019年台風15号&19号 災害)に参加していた私は、他のボランティア参加者2名とともに、館山のボランティア拠点にあった飲料や非常食、スコップなどの災害活動のための備品をワンボックスカーに積み込み、一路熊本は人吉市に向かいました


























◆開催日:2020年 8月 10日(月・祝) 20:00~21:30





◆参加方法:zoom  https://zoom.us/jp-jp/meetings.html
 ① 静かな環境・ネット通信環境・PCをご準備ください。
 ② その他心配なことがありましたらお気軽にご連絡ください!

参加申込者に 参加URLをお送りします

後藤 源太 プロフィール












Today my friend told me this: 

”While you were out there volunteering for flood cleanup in Kumamoto, my other Kanto friends were out vacationing in Okinawa, traveling. How sad is that!"

Sad? Well, not really.
悲しい? まあああああ。それはそうだけど。。。

During my trip...

My heart was filled so much love that it almost burst.

Of course I was crushed with sadness, seeing people in despair after having lost everything

It weighed down on me and it's the feeling of having something stuck deep in your throat.

BUT...seeing people of all regions and nationalities joining for the ONE cause of helping others get back on their feet

Seeing people spend their own time and resources (and paid vacation days off work) to help others in need (some traveling quite far)

It was the ray of hope that I needed to see during these horrible depressing COVID days.

Seeing the miracles a team of motivated people could accomplish in just half a day.

I was happy to see some young volunteers

A 4th year uni student

17歳の受験生。小さいのに。。。力強い! 彼女は遠慮なく、英語で会話して、感動しました。 将来お医者さんになりたいと思って、ボランティア活動してみた(少し似ているから)。
Meeting a motivated young girl, only 17, but determined to go into medicine and better the lives of others. We spoke in English and I was surprised at her English level and lack of hesitation to speak.

13歳の子毎日、文句言わず、一緒にきつい作業をして。 13歳のに、よく我慢できているな! またまた感動しました。
Meeting a 13-year old girl who dedicated weeks on end at the volunteer site. Few kids that age I know could handle such grueling work.

Grown men (survivors) crying of gratitude.  

Survivors, upon recounting the horrible experience, close to tears

Men moved to tears at the end of a long day's work of volunteering "on the front lines" (seeing the mountains of trash at the dump site and what seems to be endless cleaning awaiting)
終礼、一日の作業がおわって。。。感動したボランティアたち。。。泣きながら、感想の一言。 感情あり過ぎて。。。

Knowing there are truly good people still out there, like those I met in Kumamoto volunteering, gives me hope and the ability to look at the future with optimism毎日のニュースを見ると落ち込むですが、熊本に行って、すごく安心しました。世の中にまだまだいい人沢山います。 明るい未来へ!

It was hot or rainy every day 毎日雨やすごい蒸し暑いでした

The smell indescribable...I cannot put it into words, really (I have never been in a sewer but imagine it's close!)...invasive mushrooms growing wildly around the house匂いは。。。言葉で説明できないぐらい大変。。。キノコあちこち生えている

The mildew and mold penetrating each pore of our body.カビは。。。自分の毛穴にしみこんでいる

Everyone put up with it, no one complained.皆は我慢して、文句を言わず

We knew better than that. それはそう! 

When people around you have lose their homes, all else becomes quite secondary.すべてを失った人を見ると、自分は。。。どんな辛くても、何も言えない

We forget how lucky we are to have a roof over our heard.”住むところがある”は当たり前と思っている

We take having a fridge for granted冷蔵庫がある。。。それも当たり前

This week I am working at two elite private schools...it's my big chance to spread the word of volunteerism and ask them questions they have never asked of themselves.私は今週、英語の教師として、二つの私立学校に行って、ボランティア活動を教えたい、伝えたいと思いっています。 

Soon I'll go back to teaching at the university and be able to spread the story and foster the spirit of volunteerism.9月、大学に戻る時。。。また熊本の話を教えたいと思っています。ボランティア活動を促進したい!

Volunteerism may not be part of "Japanese culture" but I think this is slowly changing. ボランティア活動は。。。日本の文化じゃないかもしらないですが、少しずつ変わっています。

All the girls at the girls JHS I worked at mentioned they would like to donate or volunteer to help SDG initiatives.SDGsの目標達成のために、寄付したい、ボランティアしたい。。。とクラスの全員が言っていました。

So, my friend, I did not go to Okinawa, but I can go to Okinawa at ANYTIME! (and I have been before...there and the rest of the world) Now the people in Kumamoto need our help and support...it can't really wait. (the conditions get worse by the day...as of today, a month has passed)沖縄に行っていないですが、沖縄はいつでも行ける。(いったことあるし!世界も回ったし)でも。。。今は熊本の人は私たちのサポートが必要です。

No vacation can heal the soul as a trip volunteering can.

I did get to enjoy the natural foot hot spring at the airport...

I came back feeling grateful for a husband who could manage our house (and tween!) for over 6 days without me.

We can pursue things that do not matter much in our lives and be left empty and unhappy inside.
私たちは人生の表面的な物質的なものを追いかけることができます。。。 心は空っぽになるけど。

Or put energy into things that will contribute to society and add meaning to our own lives

Few times have I ever felt so physically and emotionally drained, but...

We all felt more alive than ever.


結婚って、大変ですね。。。 国際結婚はもっと大変です


Many foreign male friends of mine confide in me, saying their life with their Japanese wife is miserable.


Usually the story plays out like this.  


They fall in love with a wonderful Japanese woman.  They marry...then they have kids.


Once they have kids, it is all over.


The relationship evolves from wonderful marriage to...a cold and emotionless one.


The couple stops sharing a bed, there is no hugging kissing or touching and definitely little to no action happening in the bedroom.


Usually the guy still loves his wife or is trying very hard to make things work out.  (so he resists cheating but, at the same time, suffers silently)


Sometimes the guy no longer loves his wife, a woman who went from loving wife to hostile attacker and critic of anything and everything he does.


After kids are in the picture, the man knows divorce is not really an option.


Being rejected and being given the cold should treatment from the wife puts the man in a very lonely place.  He feels isolated and cannot talk about this problem with anyone...it's not really up for discussion here, in Japan (even though it is the typical pattern)


There are men who are lucky to have fantastic J-partners but I must say, they seem to be the minority.  The men who have just married and have yet to have kids always think they are the exception, only to find out years later, that they are just another statistic.  


A man reached out to our group and I posted this advice and many seemed to find it insightful.  I am posting it here, for anyone who might be silently suffering.



Marriage is hard. International marriage...infinitely harder!


There is a book, "5 languages of love" - the way foreigners and Japanese express their affection is VERY different. Might you be missing her signs of affection? Unrelated to this but there is an interesting newish buzzword, "sotsukon" - you should look it up. It sounds like she has "graduated" from the former relationship you had.


How is the relationship between her parents...kids model what they see. Sleeping in different beds here is not that unusual. Less affection, touch is also not unusual...usually after kids are born and it is too late to bail out of the relationship. Sadly, it leaves some partners craving more and feeling quite alone in the marriage. Is she aware of your feelings?


I know foreign men AND women with such frustrations w/their J partners. Usually the same old story...it's indeed sad. I also heard that some partners are very passive aggressive and are unforgiving of past fights/actions...it builds up and leads to a very toxic relationship. Stone-walling is a killer in all marriages. If she is doing this, it will be very hard to make any progress. Counseling will not help much if she is unwilling to open up. Some men/women work it out in the end, some suffer in silence, some get "relief" elsewhere. The usual pattern I have seen is: the partner craving more always suffers while the other partner is often either oblivious to the situation or very satisfied w/the status quo.


You need to take action before this takes a toll on YOUR self-confidence and pride. It can really tear people up inside and make them feel rejected, undesired and ugly. This, over time, can really wear one down or make one vulnerable to an affair, to prove their desirability. Also ask yourself the honest question - have you let yourself go over the years? Do you take care of yourself or has your beer belly grown to challenge some late-term pregnant women?


Another question to consider. Do you see yourself with her, in old age, and retirement? Do you enjoy talking with her? Do you at least have an emotional connection still? Are there topics you can discuss other than your kids? Do you celebrate your anniversary and each others' birthdays? Though there is no "action" in bed, does she at least give you massages if you are sore or show any physical affection? Can you still laugh together and look out for one another, be considerate of each other's needs? If the answer to those questions are "No" - either you move on and risk losing your kids to her (shared custody is rare here) or you put up with it until the kids are old enough and pick up some distractions (hobbies, clubs, sports, other interests...not promoting the idea of a fling here!) to keep you busy and help you release some um, pent up "frustration" :P


Joining some social network support groups sounds wonderful but if you want guaranteed privacy or are embarrassed by the situation (or afraid some friends are IN the group), it might be a tough choice.


Some stay together b/c of financial reasons. Some stay b/c to keep up appearances. Some have an open relationship. These are not the most ideal situations but better than a full out divorce. Japanese-Japanese marriages...usually they just put up with each other.  Too much trouble to go through a divorce and they want what is best for the kids.  Single moms risk being stigmatized - they will do anything but become a single mom.  For some women, they stay for financial reasons - single mothers are also poor ones.


This also happens in marriages involving Japanese men/women married to other Japanese men/women (i.e. not international relationships!) The MAIN difference is difference of acceptance. They accept it as the norm and accept it as a gradual change in the marriage. Some women are quite glad when men get their physical needs taken care of elsewhere, even if it's the red-light industry area. Some women have told me they had enough sex to last a lifetime so they were through with it. Many women told me they did not want to bother w/it anymore and the risk of pregnancy really killed any romance. Some women complained of energetic J husbands requiring it every night and they were exhausted. On the flip-side, some J women were married to men who lost their libido so they went elsewhere looking for romance to boost their self-esteem and satisfy sexual needs. Those who are deprived (and do not look outside of the marriage for relief) have a hungry look in their eyes...a look of desperation - your case is far more common than you think.


I don't know if any of this helps console you or gives you some ideas on how to "fix" it. It is so sweet that you are still in love with her, after all these years and after having endured so much coldness and rejection. You are definitely not alone so there is no need to feel ashamed. Do what you can and if all fails, move on? No need to beat a dead horse... (though your kids would be the ultimate victims and most likely she will turn them against you) 


The group, "Tsunagari," helping with Kumamoto flood relief is still looking for
a) volunteers
b) donations of goods (see list down below)
c) monetary donations

From their homepage:
Seven days after the disaster, the situation is still severe and the recovery is limited.

Today, we removed mud and damaged furniture from the homes of the elderly and those living alone, and distributed a large number of supplies that have started to arrive.

When supplies were distributed, it was found that there are no masks for children., I realized that I didn't have a mask for children.

物資一覧追記 It has been added to the list of things still required.

Currently still recruiting relief volunteers!

The volunteer registration is in place.(see below)

We hope to make the recovery as swift as possible

Thanks for your cooperation

⭐️TSUNAGARI人吉拠点 Tsunagari on-site in Hitoyoshi (affected area)
ファミリーホールすみれ内 裏駐車場

⭐️物資送り先 (address where you should send donations of items)
Kumamoto prefecture
Horaimachi 1343-6
Hitoyoshi city
Sumire Hall (behind)
Tsunagari headquarters
Phone: 090-2522-6549 源太 Kenta

Miyazaki prefecture, Kobayashi city 3025-1
Seven Eleven Kobayashi Kamitsutsumicho shop
Tsunagari Miyazaki Nobe-sama
Telephone: 080-6431-8132

Kumamoto city
Nishi Ward
Kawachimachi Noide 243-1
ヤサカ電機㈱ 林様
Yasaka electronics, Mr. Hayashi
Telephone: 090-3071-5144

Please only send the items listed.

Everything donated will be distributed as soon as they arrive!

【募集物資】Donation wish list:
・軽ダンプ3台 Light tarps オートマ
・2tダンプ a 2-ton dump truck
・ユンボ Shovel cars
・スクレーパー Scrapers
・スポーツドリンク、麦茶、野菜ジュース Sports drink, barley tea, vegetable juice
・扇風機 Standing fans
・ライト(ヘッドライト、置き型、マグネットタイプ等)Flashlights, head lights, lamps
・土嚢袋 Sandbags (decorated, if you wish)
・高圧洗浄機 High pressure water washing tool
・コードリール、ドラム Cord reels and drums
・カップ焼そば・カップ麺 Cup noodles, yakisoba
・バール、てみ Big dustpan、(水害活動備品)
・ホワイトボード Whiteboards
・長靴(男女)Men and women's rubber boots
・靴(男女)・サンダル(男女)Men and women:s shoes, sandals
・お米 Rice
・ワンボックスカー Light vehicle cars (many were washed away)
●発電機 Generator
●水中ポンプ Underwater pump
●マスク(子供、女性用)Children's and women's
●缶詰 Canned items
●レトルト食品 Instant retort pack foods
●ご飯 Rice

※随時募集の物は変わります。This wish list changes regularly. (If you are unsure, please call the office to confirm for big purchases)

Those affected by floods have lost EVERYTHING on the first floor of their home.

Whatever you have/need in your home, they are now in dire need of.

If you buy 100-200 units of one item, we are happy to distribute that.

⭐️交通  送迎 Pickup of volunteers (details)
鹿児島空港から 高速バスで人吉インターまで来ていただければ送迎いたします。If you arrive at the Hitoyoshi Interchange, just call and they can pick you up (please arrive around 5 to 7pm)
鹿児島空港からもタイミングが合えば宮崎支部長が送迎可能です。If you come from KOJ (Kagoshima airport) and the timing is okay, someone might be able to pick you up. You should contact them w/your details in advance.
080-6431-8132 野辺 Call Nobe-san

⭐️ボランティア募集 If you volunteer:
・宿泊無料 free place to stay (bring your pillow, blanket)
・駐車場無料 free parking
・軽食無料 free light meals
コロナ対策を万全にし COVID test for long-term volunteers

The victims of the disaster even want those from out of the prefecture to help, especially those living alone, female residents, and the elderly.

抗体検査も受けてます。There are also testing for COVID antibodies.

To prevent spread of disease, usage of masks and physical distancing will be in practice.

●ボランティア参加 If you want to join as a volunteer, sign up at this link below. Details are in Japanese so get a friend to help you if you need it.
下記のリンクより申し込みお願いいたします。This is the link (only in Japanese, sorry)

Please sign up for volunteer insurance prior to coming (at your local welfare center)

If you feel bad, DO NOT COME!


8:15受付 Daily registration time for that day's work
090-2522-6549 源太 Kenta
080-8219-0311 つながり事務局 Tsunagari office
090-9222-2229 勝又 Katsumata

●支援金 Monetary donation information
http://tsunagari-project.com/donate/ (more details here)
Bank account information:【活動支援金口座】
仙台銀行(センダイギンコウ) Sendai bank (sendai ginko)
Branch # 歌津支店 405
Account number 普通 3112221
Organization name一般社団法人震災復興支援協会 つながり

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