ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ -5ページ目


Eco art...エコアート


A brilliant idea I borrowed from a blog online

Using the IKEA cooking utensil holder to cook panettone! It works really well!!!
IKEAのホルダーでパネットーネを焼いた! すごいうまく出来た!

I cannot share the recipe because I don't really know how authentic panettone should taste...haha....

If I posted it and was way off, I would feel totally bad about that. :)





I made ginger cookies...tasty but I am still not satisfied w/it.
生姜のクッキーを作った。 美味しかったけど。。まだまだ満足じゃない

After I tweek the recipe, I would like to post it on my blog

My friend's son really loved these cookies...and he's only like 2 years old...and he likes such a strong ginger taste...wowwww!
友達の息子さんは。。。このクッキーを大好きだった。。。2歳児のに! 濃い味、強い味よく食べるね!






The coolest shop ever!

It is like a craft show...they have crafts made by tonssss of local people
クラフトショーみたい。。。 地元の人が作ったクラフトなど

And this shop displays and sells them all!

Like tons of school bazaars in one place...all at once!
学校のバザーみたい! 手作り物だらけ!!!!!

And decently priced too (about the same as normal Japanese school bazaar stuff)

I did not take pix inside because I thought it might be rude to take pix of all those people's precious works
中で写真を撮っていない。 皆に失礼だから、撮らなかった。 皆の大事の作品。


For some women...just being a housewife is....a very blissful thing
アル女性にとって。。。 主婦の生活は。。。とても幸せ事です

A perfect life.

But I, for one, am not one of them.

I love my role as a housewife...

And sure, what's not to love?

I do the cooking, cleaning, organizing, child-raising, educating...

I see the smiles on my family members faces...it is really rewarding!

And when the child-raising part has settled down.....hobbies, lots of hobbies.

But I often wonder.........

A woman's 30's.......they should be the ultimate time in her career
女性の30代。。。 キャリアのピークじゃない?

But instead she is at home slaving away

I believe it is important to raise children and that the mother plays a very important role

But I do also believe some public nursery schools do a better job than most parents!

Some parents think they are great just because they are not working

For the sake of their children, they are not working

For some moms, it may be true and they might be very hard working moms

But..........to be quite honest, I see them just shouting at their kids all the time, putting them to sleep as soon as possible, and not really spending much "quality" time with the kids
でも。。。。。。。他のママたちな。。。。。。。余り頑張っていない。。。子供と遊んでいない感じ、叱るだけ。。。。 早め寝かせて、自分の事を出来る。。。 

I don't see them have heart to heart talks with their kids.

I very rarely see them laughing with the kids.

So.......in the end, I really do think some nursery schools do a better job than the parents themselves!
だから、それだったら。。。 保育園の先生たちの方が絶対いいと思う

Nursery schools in Japan are pretty impressive.

I've been to many and observed the environment and was time to time impressed
いくつに行ってみた。。。 雰囲気など、環境を見て、保育士のやり方も見てた。。。 mmm。。。。。すごい、感動した。。。 

Even kids from a broken family can feel security, stability and warmth at their nursery school.
子供は自分の家族環境は悪くても。。。保育園でハッピライフを過ごせる。 安全な場所。。。温かい場所。。。その感じ。

One of my friends said she is quite happy in her life.

She has plenty of money to spend.

She has time to do her own things.

She has children and a place that they bought.
子供もいる。 賃貸じゃなくて、マンションを買った

Her husband is usually away from home. (much to her happiness!)
旦那さんは。。普段いない。 (その方がいい。。。と言っていました)

And she is completely satisfied.

Kids at school, husband at work. After some housework, she's free...time all to herself.
子供は学校に行って。 旦那は仕事に行って。 掃除した後、フリーです 自分の時間!

All her dreams have come true
夢を全て事実になった。。。 完璧の人生

Many women here, I have heard, just want to marry a man with a fat bank account and enjoy life as a housewife.
この楽の主婦ライフは。。。日本人の女性の夢と聞きました。。。。(皆じゃないけど!)。。。 お金持ち男性と結婚して、仕事を止めて、主婦のライフをエンジョイする

They just want to hurry and get married and feed off a guy.

They call them parasite wives. Wives who feed off their husbands (and no kids) and don't work. (mind you some women might be infertile and be accused by others of being a cold parasite......poor women!)
"寄生虫妻" 仕事しない、子供を産まない、趣味を楽しむだけ。

Poor men - seen as simply a paycheck or bank account.............. (though this is changing as salaries across the board are going down... and families can no longer rely on just one income)

Back home, of course some women marry a man for their fat paychecks......but most men are smart enough to keep their incomes a secret until they are really serious.
アメリカの場合。。。モチロン。。。アル女性は。。。お金のために結婚したい。。。けど。。。。。。。。 アメリカの男性は。。。大体教えない。。。 真剣に付き合うまで、教えない人が多いと思う。 これは賢い! 

In Japan though........this is very hard to do.

Once you know their job..........it's pretty easy to figure out how much they make.

I did not know this until AFTER I married and met lots of other housewives!
いや。。。結婚して、主婦たち沢山出会ってから、漸く分かった。。。 (とてもKYだった、私!)

And finally realized, after all these years........why it was okay for me as a teacher at eikaiwa (ESL school) to ask everyone their professions.......but when I asked my friends what their husbands did for a living, they seemed really uncomfy. (uncomfy = uncomfortable)
英会話で。。。自然に生徒さんに聞く。。。仕事していますか? 旦那さんも? 旦那さんの仕事は何ですか? とか。。。 でも。。。ママ友に聞いたら。。。mmm。。。皆は。。。余り返事したくない。。。気がした。  

Asking "what does your husband do for a living..." is the equivalent to asking "how much does your husband make?"

These days I rarely ask friends what their husbands do for a living...and only ask if the topic comes up.

I have some friends who refuse to tell others what their husbands do for a living.
ある友達は。。。旦那さんの仕事を。。。他の人に教えない。 知って欲しくないみたい。

Maybe Koreans are different...because my tennis class classmate, he asked me what my husband does for a living

I told him and his answer was "is that private or public?"

I told him it is a private company...and his response was "so it must be a really nice salary!"

I said "well...me can manage on it all right, I guess"

I was really astonished.............he was so......blunt about it.........and open....it was a bit startling but at the same time, refreshing!!!

Japanese might ask the same question but...they'd never say something like that "ohhh, then your husband must have a decent salary!"

Similar to the Japanese........I heard the Germans rarely talk about money, salaries because it's just tacky...hmm, I wonder....is that so?
日本人と同じ。。。友達から聞いたのは。。。ドイツ人も。。。余りお金の事をしゃべらない。。。 本当かしら。

Japanese that talk really openly about money.......are considered a bit crass and lacking social grace.
日本では。。。。簡単にお金の話をする人 = 社会的猶予人?

But I heard people from Kansai (except for Kyoto) are more open when it comes to money talk.......hmm......is this stereotype true?
でも。。。聞いたのは。。。関西人は。。。関東人より。。。お金について。。。オーペンに話します。。。 。。。それも本当かしら。

The quaint housewife life. Nice, right?
幸せ主婦の生活。 いいでしょう?

Well, for me, I want more in life.

I am satisfied being a housewife...and am happy...

I did not go to university for nothing!
でも。。。ちゃんと大学に行ったぞ。。。 何のために?!

I want to take advantage of all the knowledge I have accumulated up to now...and I want more knowledge, experience!

I want my husband to come home early from work. I enjoy and love his company...heck, why else did I marry him?!
旦那は仕事から早め帰ってきてほしいです。 彼と一緒にいる時間は楽しい。 だから彼と結婚した。

Yes I have to cook more, clean more, do more...when he is around...sure but it's nice to have his company
モチロン。。。彼はいる間。。。洗濯物増える、料理の仕事も増える。。。主婦の”仕事”は増えるけど。。。 そばにいて欲しい。

When Lina was younger.....I did not feel so.........him home on the weekends irritated me..I wanted to relax, he wanted to relax...but neither of us could do so.......but things have improved a lot since then. And for sure no plans for a #2.
リナの。。。もっと小さい頃。。。そう思っていないけど。。。 お互いイライラしてた。。。お互いは。。。自分の時間は欲しかった。。。大変な時期だった!

I want a challenge. (and another child...no, that's not a challenge - that'd be asking for suicide!)

To run a business, to influence people's lives in a positive way

Do things that stretch all of my capabilities. Gain more knowledge!

When we get comfortable in life, we get lazy...and stop challenging ourselves...and fall into monotony.
人生は”とても落ち着いている”=成長をしていない証拠。 自分を。。。もっと、もっとチャレンジすればいい。。。 毎日同じことをやると。。。だるくなる。。。

Monotony kills the soul.

For some, monotony = a comfortable, safe, life...

But for me, it's equivalent to death.


Many women tell me "I used to do jogging" or "I used to play tennis" or "I used to dress up nicely"

Why the past tense? You are really not that old yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These mothers are still only in their 30's but...

They seemed to have resigned to the "I am not that young anymore" syndrome.

HECK girls, my grandma has more energy than you do!

My mother, at age 65...has the energy of 3 of any of you!

She's got like over 10,000 contacts on her mobile (something insane like that)

After my mother recovered from depression, she went at it full force

But...that's not to say that she totally completely recovered from depression either.

There are times she said when she can feel "that feeling" (of depression) again

...when she feels it, she quickly does things to remedy the feeling...and goes out with a friend for a good talk

The future of Japan lies in the hands of the women.

I know amaaazing women.

Smart women, dedicated women, loyal women, go-getting women.....organized women, talented women..... women with much more experience and wisdom!

And they are all sitting at home being a "good housewife"

For some, it is because they cannot get a good job (their old job is no longer there - replaced by some fresh graduate, probably)

Or hours that do not suit their child-raising schedules

Or the public nursery schools are full... and private ones...are too expensive or not up to par

For some...their husbands oppose the idea and want them at home taking care of the kids

For some, their husbands don't want them to be financially independent

For some, their jealous husbands fear infidelity at the workplace, thus prevent them from getting any gainful employment

In Japan, they hire young people......and usually only young ones

So that they can instill company values into them early...and mold them as they wish

Young men and women.

BULLSHIT... this is total bullshit if you ask me.

Sorry for the colorful language but this aspect about Japan makes me sooooo angry.

The wisest women I know here in Japan are those who are my mentors.

Friends of mine in their 40's, 50's and 60's...even 70's now!!!

They have so much experience, knowledge...and are amazing...so savvy and yet modest at the same time!

They are so full of energy and are really talented

Yet.....for many, it is hard to get a decent job because of their age.

Some need to pay for their children's university education(s) and are finding it a struggle...

Employment chances are slim and they are passed over because of their age.

Fresh graduates........have no experience and because of the loosened academic standards, etc...have less discipline than the older folks that I know

Their parents spoiled them. Told them all they need to know in life is to study.

So when it comes to life skills, working at a real company, they are utter duds, totally hopeless!

Yet....those fresh graduates are the ones who get the jobs.....

Not the smart veterans.

For phD graduates, the situation is really sticky here in Japan

There is a serious lack of full-time research positions

And as enrollment at universities plummets year by year

The number of academic teaching positions also decreases...

Meaning......even less employment opportunities!

So some phD students do post-docs...not one as usual...but 2 or 3.

But the max is about 2 or 3...because any more and they'll reach their expiry date.

If they have not found full-time employment by the age of 35, they are pretty much screwed

So...for even men... after the age of 35, it is very difficult to find a full-time position.

If you look in the classifieds, salaries are not looking that attractive these days.

Most jobs are temporary or contract-based

Thanks to a certain politician (being very sarcastic here!), more jobs in Japan are temporary and not full-time

For companies, it is cheaper and a great way to slash costs

Get rid of the full-timers and hire some cheaper part-timers.

Major companies usually look to hire young, fresh graduates (instead of those in the mid-career stage)

And many companies are reluctant to hire or promote women...

And at first, I was angered by this...but then, after looking at some women...I thought from a man's perspective

Well, many women quit soon after childbirth

Some women quit to marry (either their husband got a job elsewhere and was transferred....or they just do not like their job and want to quit)

Why waste the money to train them when all they do is quit a few years later?

From a man's perspective, yes, I can see how risky it is hiring a woman...

But...we need women in Japan

With their creativity, innovation, female perspective

Quite often I use kitchen or home products ...and think "this was for sure NOT designed by a woman"... A woman would know this is the stupidest design in the world

The more money women here make, the more they will spend and stimulate the economy

I see all these money-saving tips, money-saving magazines, ways to save a buck here and there

Sure I understand about being frugal and all

But if this is the case, then, GO BACK TO WORK.

Going back to work, making some money instead of worrying about if a cake you are going to make is going to cost 80yen or 800yen...

Sorry for over-simplifying the situation...

In fact, the situation in Japan is not that simple, actually....

In Japan, a wife is penalized if she makes too much money

They are put in a much higher taxed income bracket...

So if she makes like more than 1 million yen (roughly 10,000USD)...they are taxed much more and it hardly makes it worth getting a job

So either she gets a part-time job that does not pay all that much (under 1 million yen a year)... or she make a whopping amount of money

Life for women in Japan is not all that easy.

I watched the Japanese movie "Girls" on the airplane while flying from Narita to Seattle a few months back

I was excited, hoping it would be like a Japanese version of SATC (Sex and the City) or something

Instead, it was a depressing movie about the state and status of women in Japan

And how life is "blue"...

Even those who seem happy, are, in fact NOT.

What a totally depressing movie.

I thought it would be a movie about empowering women, making a difference, and change...

But it's a movie about the ever-so-present glass ceiling and various challenges the modern Japanese woman faces

And it presents the problems but just seems to accept them...offering few or no solutions

So...while the movie itself, acting and all was not that bad.....the bottom line was kind of disappointing.

Don't make a movie like that.

Make a movie about amazing women making a difference.

That's the kind of movie that I want to see and will actually pay to see!


We made art out of pretty leaves and stuff...

The cardboard part was from some package that I got...I was about to toss it when I thought it might be pretty if used as a card




After the 3/11 quake in Japan, lots of people suffered greatly emotionally

It gave people much uncertainty about the future

And made many rethink their priorities, values, and more

For me......at first I panicked and worried about the truly fleeting nature of life

Some nights I woke up in a sweat from an anxiety attack
たまに。。。夜中に起きて。。。パニックの状態で起きた。。。 汗だらけ。。。

And I was still recovering from the loss of my grandma when 3/11 came

Now thinking back......I was more stressed than I acknowledged

I mean...what was I, to complain about stress?

When there were others dead, others suffering in Tohoku, and others running away from radiation in Fukushima?

So I tried my best to ignore my stress
だから自分のストレスを認めていない。。。 少し無視した

And I had to be strong for my daughter and show no fear
そして娘のために、強くしなきゃと思った。。。 怖い気持ちを見せないようにした


Finally.......after much talking to other friends and my husband...I felt better and do not suffer from anxiety
そして。。。沢山友達と話してて。。。ハニーをよく話してて。。。 不安の気持ちは亡くなった

That and keeping busy helps! Prevents overthinking!!!

Now I like jogging...and I like jogging alone...
最近よくジョッギングします。。。 一人でジョッギングするの好きです

Doing introspection...

Enjoying nature and soaking everything in

Jogging and prepping for this 10km reminds me of myself 10 years ago

Ten years ago I was lazier
10年前の私。。。 少し。。。 だるい。。。でした。。。

I always assumed there would be a tomorrow to do everything
”明日”出来る。。。 と思った。。。 ”明日”はあることは。。。当たり前と思った

I remember training for a 10km race 10 years ago...and somehow it feels different from this time

10 years ago...I did it "just to do it"
10年前の私。。。 10キロを走るの”楽しそう”と思って、やってた

I did things at a much slower pace...

Okay.......check it off my life "list of things to do" (run in a 10km race)

This time I want more

I want to run it and run my absolute best
走る理由は。。。前と違って。。。 自分の一番ベストを狙いたい

I want to run it in a good time because I can
走れる。。。健康であるから走れる。。。 だから。。。頑張って。。。早く走りたい

Because I am not going to get any younger, only older

So now is the time to try my best

If I die tomorrow, at least I will know that I did everything to my utmost and not half-heartedly
明日死んだら、後悔なしで死にたい。。。 何でも”一所懸命”にやりたい

When I feel terrible muscle pain in my body, it makes me pleased

It means "I tried my hardest" and it shows

My father said to me at my wedding party "Vivian...this is it...it is now or never!" just before we started our solo father-daughter dance (we had practiced the routine many days before the wedding)
私たちの結婚式。。。 お父さんと娘のダンスを始まる前。。。 パパの言うことを忘れない”ほら。。。ビビアン。。。今だよ!今しかないよ。今本番だよ!” (結婚式の何日前から練習を始まった)

I like to remember his words and think

Life. This is it. The real thing is here and now.
そうね。 人生。 今しかない。 今は本番。

Live it your best.

Work hard, live hard, play hard.

Now that is a full life. I'll do my best until the day I die.

My student asked me 10 years ago my life aim...
10年ぐらい前。。。生徒さんは。。。私にすごい難しい質問を聞きました ”ビビアン。。人生の意味って何ですか?ビビアンの人生の目的は?”

And I was quite speechless at the time.
そのごろ。。。 mmm。。。返事なかった。。。

Never gave it a thought!

Now, ten years later, I'd say...my life aim is to work my hardest, help others, and make a positive contribution to society, spread happiness wherever I go.
今。。。10年後。。。自分の目的。。。まああ。。。何となく分かる。 毎日一所懸命行きたい、他の人を助かりたい、社会への積極的な貢献、幸せ気分を広がること。

That is my life goal.

Now if only I could work on a good career goal


I don't have a lot of really "happy" memories about my childhood
私の子供頃。。。 特に”幸せ”記憶がない。。。

Much of it.......my parents fighting, me and my brother fighting......waiting until my father came home to save me from bullying from my mother and brother (I remember often crying, waiting for papa to come home)...

Not really good memories.

I have some good memories here and there....but like most people, bad memories overshadow most of the good ones

But one of the best memories........the most vivid memories...happiest memories

Was always my birthday

My mother would invite the whole class to our house and it was such a wonderful day

I remember...I could invite ALL the girls and only one boy

The irony of it.

I had a boyfriend in kindergarten.......but after that, no boyfriend until I graduated high school.
幼稚園の頃、彼氏がいました。。。 けど。。。その後、高校から卒業した後まで。。。彼氏いませんでした。。。

Anyway back to the party topic

Sometimes too wonderful......with all the excitement, I got all nervous and afraid...and I recall hiding in my closet while all my friends were there.

If you could remember the happiest day of your life, what would it be?
皆さんは? 人生の一番幸せ時期、日、はいつでしたか?

Maybe it is yet to come

実際。。。ママは家から出た後、私の人生は。。。明るくなって、大分良くなりました。 最初寂しかったけど。。。パパは最高のパパで。。。家の雰囲気など。。。とても平和、幸せだった。 ママは自分のうつ病を分からなかったみたい。。。先生に行くの嫌だったし。 鬱の事は。。。本当に怖いです。

Anyway.....because I myself have such fond memories of my birthday, I want my daughter to be able to remember and cherish such a happy moment, feeling
私は。。。自分の子供の誕生会は楽しくて楽しくて、忘れられない。。。そのハッピの気持ち。。。だから。。。自分の娘にも。。。同じ経験を感じて欲しい。。。 その。。。最高、ハッピ、幸せ経験

And that is probably why I got a bit over the top (over the top = やり過ぎる)

This year we have 3 parties...home party (just family), party for English-speaking friends, and party for kindergarten friends (girls only - our house is small!)
今年。。。誕生会をミツします。。。 ホームPARTY,英語が話せる友達のPARTY,そして。。。最後に。。。幼稚園の友達(女の子たちだけ。。。家は狭い、子供25人来ると。。。大変なことになるから!)

Finally I thought...3 parties, 3 days in a row...I am going to go nuts
連続。。。三日間。。。PARTYをミツ? 嫌。。。死にそう。。。 考えるだけと”死ぬ”感じ

My husband suggested we have a special birthday dinner at a nice French restaurant instead of me working my butt off in the kitchen. They have a special birthday special...I'm looking forward to it!
ハニーは。。。いいアイデアを考えた。 外食! 誕生日の食事。。。おしゃれのフランスレストランにします。 誕生日サービスもあるようです。。。楽しみ。

If you want to plan an "American" style party...here is what you have to do/need:

Pick a theme (our theme this year is "rainbow")

Make and send invitations about a month in advance

Make a pinata (paper mache on a balloon...it takes about a week to dry)

Buy paper cups and plates that suit the theme 

Buy birthday disposable party tablecloth

Make foods day of (last year...we ran out of food...the kids were sooo hungry...much more than what I had expected!)
その日。。。食べ物を沢山作る (去年は。。。食べ物を食べきって。。。少し困りました。。。皆は思ったほど食べた!)

Make or order big cake that feeds LOTS of people (at a cake shop, expect and estimate of about 150USD or so... or get one at COSTCO for 20USD, about 2000yen)
ケーキを作るや。。。大きいなケーキを注文する (ケーキ屋で頼んだら、1万円、2万円ぐらいする。。。結婚式のケーキの値段に近い。。。 大きいから。 それとも。。。COSTCOで安いの買う。。。2000円ぐらい。。。大きいの購入できます)

Order cake toppers from America (if needed) or make by self with fondant/sugarcraft アメリカからケーキの飾りを注文する。。。それとも。。。自分で(フォンダン、シュガークラフト)作る

Decorate house with balloon, crepe paper, birthday wall decorations...(decorating takes about a week) 

A few days prior, make balloon tower

Make food toppers, thank-you cards

Prepare and buy thank-you gifts, souvenirs and more

Shopping for lots of prizes and snacks and more for the party

Preparing all the games: BINGO, Bozo buckets, pin the bow on the Hello Kitty, and more

Each year I'll plan extravagant birthday parties until Lina

Until she herself says "mom, I think I am old enough"

For those considering doing one...if you can do the work, go for it...

Your child and his/her friends will be the happiest kids in the world at the party

Recently party goods are becoming easier to find

You can even find a party set (4 plates, 4 cups, forks and spoons set) at the 100yen Daiso shop now

And you don't have to go all overboard like me

I am a bit anal and perfectionist about the party. If I am gonna throw a party, I want it to be a sizzling one!
私は。。。少し誕生会について。。。真剣です。。。 やれば、ちゃんとやりたい。。。 最高のPARTYを開きたい

But......to be honest.......

It is a HUGE time commitment

I start buying things and thinking about it about half a year in advance (it takes a while to get things shipped from the States or I buy while there)

It is completely not economical!
すごくお金かかるし (キャンディーだけで5000円しました)

It is cheaper to just buy my daughter some realllllly nice present

Or cheaper to go to Tokyo Disney and stay overnight (2 years ago we did BOTH a big bday bash AND went to Disney...it was sheer madness and a bit much!)
1泊DISNEYで泊まるの方が楽、安いし (2年前。。。娘の誕生日の時。。。。誕生会もやったし。。。DISNEYにも行ったし。。。わあああ。。。 少しオーバーだった)

But it does create memories that last a lifetime

I hope to create many good memories for my daughter and all her friends


I just learned about this deal.

So I would like to share it with everyone

At IKEA Japan...

You can buy a real Christmas tree and they will give you a receipt for 1990yen.

After you have used it, bring the bare tree back to the shop early January (decided days) and get your receipt stamped.  They will give you 1990yen store credit to use in IKEA.

Economical for store shopper and easy tree disposal option!

日本のクリスマストリ―。。。キレイ?ぶす? どち?

In America, many people, if they can, get a real Xmas tree

The feeling and smell.....so much richer than a fake tree

My family never had a real tree, though I always wanted one.
私の家族。。。買ったことない。。。本物の。 私が欲しかったけど

Going shopping for a tree, chopping it down......all seemed very exciting to me

These days some people are choosing not to be real trees in order to be more environmentally friendly, I guess?
最近。。。本物トリ―を買わない人。。。少し増えましたかな?”もったいない”から。。。 エコの偽物トリ―を使う?

It is a funny sight...around this time of year you can see people with huge trees strapped onto small cars
見ると笑う。。。11月の今頃。。。車の上。。。トリ―をのけている。。。 わああ。。。

And after Xmas is over....you see huge disposed trees by the curb waiting to be hauled away by the garbage truck.

In Japan.....you see tons of Christmas trees but they are all fake

And a strange thing.....you can often find white and pink Xmas trees in Japan

The Japanese love all that is cute...... so you can find white spray-painted trees

It looks really nice, like "winter wonderlandy" and all

But...according to many of my foreign friends "I have never seen as many ugly Christmas trees as I have seen here in Japan...what is up with the white trees?"

And many DO NOT LIKE the white Christmas tree idea, calling it "just wrong"
その白いクリスマストリ―は。。。何か違う。。。 やっぱり変と言う人が多い

I have seen many ugly and beautiful Christmas trees in Japan..... I noticed they like very congruent...balanced trees.........with only a few of the same ornaments and all spaced perfectly
私は。。。日本でキレイの、少しキレイじゃないトリ―をみました。。。 日本人は。。。トリ―のバランスをよく考えている。。。

And in the past 5 years or so, beautiful Christmas illumination has brightened up and made shopping areas, central areas really breathtaking!
最近のクリスマスライト。。。ILLUMINATIONなどは。。。すごくキレイ! 少しアメリカのクリスマスみたい

The thing that really bothers me about Japanese Christmas trees

Is the lack of skirts on them!

You can see the ugly legs of the Christmas tree.....no one here thinks of covering them.

Strange as the Japanese are perfectionists and dislike anything that is non-cute, ugly.

They need beautiful Christmas skirts....

Hmm....perhaps in years to come they will have some...and it'll become a more popular thing

This year our new Christmas tree took 5 minutes to put up.

I cannot tell you how happy this made me!

Lina was so pleased after she put the tree up. SHe put on a fancy dress and posed for pix.
リナもハッピだった。。。 自分でトリ―を飾って。。。 クリスマスドレスを着て、写真を撮ったよ。。。はは

Only 5 minutes!!!!!!!

When I was a child...back home....our artificial tree...first had to be lugged out of the basement storage...

Tons of boxes.....at least 5?! Heavy boxes. Just carrying the boxes alone made me tired.
箱。。。5個ぐらいありましたかな? 重かった。。。 運ぶだけと疲れる

Then assembled...bottom of the tree, middle, and top part
そして。。。トリ―をくみたつ。。。 下の部分、間中の、上の

Then the lights were untangled and checked to make sure they worked and if not, dead bulb hunting...more light troubleshooting

Then the ornaments were sorted out, untangled and put onto the tree

I took ages! At least half a day?!?!??!

But my most memorable Christmas tree decorating moment......was when my father and mother had an explosive argument

They stormed out fighting, my brother ran upstairs to his cave (bedroom) while cursing something about "idiot parents"

And I was left there, in the floor of the 2nd dining room (we had 2 dining rooms) wondering what to do
私。。。一人で座ってて。。。悩んだ。。。 どうする。。。 一人でやる?

I think in the end I put it up by myself, I don't really recall
私自分でやった? 皆は戻って、一緒にやった? いや。。。覚えない

Not a great memory.....so now, I am quite happy to put up a tree in just 5 minutes

Not size. It is the spirit of Christmas that counts.
大きさより。。。 クリスマスの気分。 平和、幸せ気分が大事です!

I hope you are enjoying the wonderful holidays!