E-Mailにご注意を! -Please pay attention to an E-Mail! | とりのアメブロ






ここでお願いです! もしも私から「.exe」拡張子のついたE-Mailが来ましたら、無条件に削除してください!! それは私の名をかたる別人です!!




Good evening, this is Tori's writing. These days, news about leaking of private information are broadcasted in Japan. I omit to write details, but

the first problem was to open files with e-mail which was sent by a suspicious person. No matter how strong system is provided, if users don't

understand the rules, such incidents will happen anywhere.

Why do I write such a thing? In fact, An e-mail with suspicious files was sent from a person who called himself "ME"! The files' extension was


Dear my friends, if an e-mail with files which extension is ".exe", please delete the e-mail without reservation!! It may be sent by a suspicious

person who calls himself "ME"!!

In addition, please don't send me a file which extension is ".exe". I'm very sorry but I will delete it.

Now we can compress files with the ZIP format, so I will ask everyone to do so.

It will be so sad if a sufferer may become an assailant, so please cooperate with me!


< A King Penguin at Tobu Zoo on June 6. In case of this King Penguin, he (she) has to pay attention to his (her) feet, not a file with an e-mail! >