今ならさらに!? -Now we will add...!? | とりのアメブロ



こんばんは、とりです。私の相方(妻)・のっちは通販が大好きです♪ 通販カタログは我が家にしょちゅう届きます~。



  司会・●り「今日ご紹介するのはこちらのキングペンギンぬいぐるみ3L! 大きいでしょう~。店頭ではなかなか手に入らない貴重なものなんですよ♪ 今なら特別にこのLLぬいぐるみもおつけしちゃいます!! 気になるお値段はなんと・・・(以下省略)!! お電話は今すぐ!!」


ほしくなっちゃう人、続出!? なお、私へのお問い合わせはご遠慮ください(爆)。


Good evening, this is Tori's writing. My partner Notch likes mail‐order business very much! Mail‐order catalogs are often sent to my house.

Now home shopping network is also available. Last day, at the blog of Asahiyama zoo, it was used as a topic and it was very interesting for us. And today, a TV program was broadcasted!!

So...... :-)

The caster Mr.*ori "Today we introduce this soft toy of the King Penguin 3L! It's so BIG!! It is rare item that we can rarely get! Now we will add this soft toy of the King Penguin LL specially!! The special price is......(omit)!! Please let's call us immediately!!!"

Notch "Your imagination is......"

Many people will want to get them!? Well, please don't ask me about this business :-) .

By the way, at such a business, I want the company to make the price down instead of adding another item. Don't you think so?:-)


< The Hunboldt Penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on July 27. Now we will present one more bucket of horse mackerels to you...... it's a joke, sorry :-) >